Anesthesia in Caesarean section

To date, with operative delivery, one of two methods of anesthesia is used: general anesthesia (anesthesia) or regional anesthesia ( spinal or epidural). Despite the fact that the methods of regional anesthesia are becoming more common, anesthesia with caesarean section remains quite popular due to its simplicity and effectiveness.

General anesthesia for caesarean section - indications

Cesarean section under general anesthesia is rare today: most women during surgery want to be conscious and immediately put the baby to the breast. However, there are indications for this method of anesthesia:

Cesarean section: which anesthesia is better?

If your baby is born as a result of a planned caesarean section, then you will most likely be offered to choose the method of anesthesia. For a surgeon, a cesarean under general anesthesia will always be preferable (the patient quickly turns off and completely relaxes, her cardiovascular system does not experience overloads).

For a future mother, general anesthesia with caesarean section is not the best choice: medications are not always well tolerated, they also get to the baby through the placenta, causing central nervous system depression. As a result, both mother and baby can feel nausea, weakness, drowsiness several days after the operation. Besides, During an operation under general anesthesia, there is always the risk of aspiration (getting into the lungs of the patient stomach contents) and the development of hypoxia (lack of oxygen). Therefore, if there are no contraindications to regional anesthesia, doctors recommend anesthesia by epidural or spinal anesthesia.

However, in case of an emergency operation, when every minute is expensive, you will be given general anesthesia with cesarean. In this case, the wishes of the woman in childbirth do not play a decisive role, so do not argue with the anesthesiologist and the surgeon: their task is to save the life of the mother and baby.