Tablets from a headache - all kinds of preparations and features of their application

The headache pills are one of those drugs that are always in the home medicine chest, and some women keep them in a handbag. In this case, not all consider that the pain in the head can have different origins, and the analgesic should be selected taking into account the cause of discomfort.

Why does my head hurt?

All the causes of the headache can be divided into two large groups:

In the group of primary pain in the head is a pain of tension, which is characterized by monotony, two-way localization, light or moderate intensity. Such feelings often characterize as compressive, dull, they can provoke such factors:

The second type is migraine, which is characterized by one-sided intense pain and specific accompanying symptoms (nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to sounds, light, smells). Often, migraine attacks bother 2-3 times a month, and they can be provoked by such factors:

The most common causes of secondary headache are such pathological conditions of the body:

What if my head hurts?

It is more convenient and easiest for temporarily stopping the headache to take drugs from the pharmaceutical industry. It is important to remember that not all pain medication helps to eliminate the cause of malaise. Doctors warn: if a person more than twice a week has to take pills for headaches, and soreness interferes with normal functioning and work, this should be the reason for an urgent call to the doctor.

Depending on what causes uncomfortable sensations, the specialist will be able to recommend which tablet to drink from the headache in the next attack. When the diagnosis is made, the nature of the pain, its localization, periodicity, and duration is important. To find out the reasons, often such diagnostic techniques as brain MRT, roentgenography of the cervical spine, ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck are often prescribed.

Kinds of painkillers

Tablets from a headache, the list of which proposed in any pharmacy, impresses with its impressiveness, can not but cause confusion in a patient far from medicine. To at least in general terms to understand which tablets from the episodic headache is rational to apply in this or that case, let us consider the main types of analgesics, differing in the types of active components.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Tableted non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be called the most widely used drugs, which are used not only to eliminate painful sensations of different genesis. These drugs are able to provide oppression of inflammatory reactions and decrease in elevated body temperature associated with various pathological processes. This is achieved by suppressing the action of the cyclooxygenase enzyme responsible for triggering all these processes.

This group includes such drugs:

Due to the negative effect of these tablets on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, they are recommended to eat after a meal. The pain killer effect is achieved after 0.5-2 hours and lasts about 4-6 hours. When taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, it should be taken into account that they can provoke internal bleeding, and with a systematic admission - cause liver damage.

Spasmolytics for the head

Myotropic antispasmodics are medicines that can eliminate increased vascular tone. Such medications are recommended to be used when the pain in the head is caused by spasmodic vascular brain. These pills are applicable to migraine and headache associated with blood pressure jumps, osteochondrosis, stress, overfatigue.

We list the representatives of this group of analgesic medicines:

The result after the use of spasmolytic can be expected after 15-20 minutes. The above remedies can not be taken with serious violations in the liver, kidneys, heart, glaucoma and arterial hypotension. In addition, you need to consider that against the background of smoking, there is a decrease in the effectiveness of antispasmodics, so it is better to refuse this habit and protect yourself from passive smoking.

Analgesics for headaches

Non-narcotic analgesics are drugs that can eliminate pain or reduce its severity by reducing the excitability of the subcortical pain center, increasing the threshold of pain sensitivity and inhibiting the production of mediators of prostaglandin inflammation. Due to this, these medicines still provide anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects.

There are several types of non-narcotic analgesics, which include many headache pills that differ in the type of active substance (some of them belong to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs):

It should be taken into account that all drugs-analgesics to some extent have negative properties for the body, the main of which:

The best headache pills

It should be understood that in order to select inexpensive but effective tablets for headache, you need to focus not on the trade names of drugs, but on the chemicals that make up their composition. Many tools have many analogs that have identical properties. Find the best pills for headache, suitable for everyone, it is impossible, because the body of each person is individual, and the causes of pain are different. Consider some popular drugs that are often asked in pharmacies.

Paracetamol for headache

These inexpensive headache pills were previously classified as a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but then specialists determined that its anti-inflammatory effect was insignificant. At the same time, the analgesic and antipyretic properties of the tablets are significant, and still the preparation is characterized by relative safety and good tolerability. The onset of action is observed after half an hour after administration, a single dose of 500-1000 mg.

Citramon from headache

These analgesic tablets for headache have a combined composition in which the active components are:

It is recommended to use these tablets in case of tension headache, with soreness caused by vascular and neurological diseases, with infectious diseases, increased intracranial pressure. The effect of the remedy is manifested after 35-45 minutes after use, single dose - 1-2 tablets.

Spazmalgon from headache

For those who are looking for, which headache pills are effective for a hangover, high blood pressure, overstrain, it is often recommended to receive Spazmalgon. This drug contains three active ingredients:

Spazmalgon is effective at pain sensations of medium and high intensity. After taking the pill, a painful attack can be suppressed within 20 minutes. Single dosage should not exceed 1 tablet. This remedy is not recommended for headaches associated with infections, cerebral circulation disorders, increased intracranial pressure.

Nyaz from headache

The active substance of the drug in question is nimesulide, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. The medicine actively reduces pain, cures inflammation, reduces the level of histamine, has antithrombotic and antioxidant effects. These effective headache pills quickly and permanently relieve uncomfortable sensations, including those associated with cervical osteochondrosis. The recommended single dose is 100 mg.

Tempalgin for headache

Tempalgin - tablets against headache and pain syndromes of other localization, including such active compounds:

Help these pills from a severe headache, while eliminating anxiety, nervous tension, suppressing a sense of fear. In addition, the drug helps reduce blood pressure. Often recommended with pain associated with negative emotional reactions, with migraines. One-time dosage - 1 tablet.

Tablets from a headache during pregnancy

Headache is a common symptom for women in the situation, but due to the risk of bearing the fruit, the harm to stop it is medically authorized only in exceptional cases. In the first trimester it is desirable to completely forget about painkillers using non-drug methods:

Let's enumerate which headache tablets can be pregnant in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters and the pill for headache during breastfeeding: