How correctly to straighten hair with an iron?

Do you constantly run out of hair, getting out of the hairdo, or you are the owner of merry curls, wanting to get smooth, like silk hair? Then you need to know how to straighten hair friend of all fashionable women ironing.

How to choose a hair iron?

Before you figure out how to straighten your hair, including the bangs, ironing, you need to choose this ironing. Because the effectiveness and safety of hair straightening iron directly depends on the correct choice of the device.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the material from which the plates are made ironing. Metal plates can severely damage the hair, and such ironing can be used no more than 3 times a month, the benefit of such ironing are very rare in shops. Plates from ceramics relate to hair more carefully. Well, the most high-quality, practically harm-free hair is plates with tourmaline or ion-ceramic coating. But such ironing is considered professional, and therefore cost more.

The next thing that would be nice to have your hair iron is the temperature regulator. Hair differs in its thickness and other qualities, depending on the place of growth. And because it will be wrong to use the same temperature ironing as to straighten the bangs, and to straighten the rest of the hair.

How correctly to straighten hair with an iron?

  1. To begin with, you need to remember that using this device more than 2 times a week can be dangerous for the hair. Also, straightening hair with an iron without applying thermal protection can harm your hair. Of course, all the hair is different, and someone successfully uses an iron daily without protective equipment, and knows no problems with the hair. But if your hair is already dry and brittle or you are going to straighten tight hair, then it is better not to give up precautions.
  2. Only clean hair needs to be straightened, because the dirt, the remnants of the styling and fat at high temperature will harden, which will not give your hair any beauty or health. If you do not have time to wash your head, then you need to use the rectifier at a low temperature.
  3. After washing the hair, we put on them a styling agent (thermal protection), if necessary, and dry the hair with a hair dryer or wait until the hair dries out on its own. On wet hair, ironing can not be used, otherwise they can be seriously damaged, and instead of silk you will receive a tow.
  4. Dry hair straighten with iron, dividing them into small strands. The width of the strand should be equal to the width of the ironing plate, but the thinner the strand, the better the effect you get at the end of the procedure. Thin curls are more convenient to straighten, pre-stretching them with a hot hair dryer and a round comb. Straightening start from the occipital part of the head, grasping the hair at the roots and advancing towards the ends. If there is a desire to do a three-dimensional hairdo, then straighten only the outer strands and ends of the hair. So you save the volume, and give a smooth hairstyle. Long keep irons on one site is not worth it - you risk burning your hair. Usually, one smooth movement of iron from top to bottom is sufficient for straightening.
  5. After straightening, the hair can be fixed with varnish. If the hair is only slightly curled or frayed, then this step is unnecessary.
  6. If the damage to the hair still could not be avoided, then it is necessary to stop the ironing, severely burned areas, and to start actively treating the hair with masks and restoring means.
  7. To reduce the risk of hair cut, experts recommend regularly pruning their tips.