How to return a lover?

Relations between lovers, as a rule, are unstable and often fragile. After all, love relationships do not bind you to anything and happen by mutual consent. And if the lover suddenly abandoned, the woman will think about how to return it.

How to return a lover?

To begin with, a woman who finds herself in such a situation is very important to think about the reasons that make her think and wish to return a departed lover. If an abandoned woman is still experiencing strong feelings , passion and desire, then the question of how to return the former lover is very relevant and fully justified.

But there are situations in which the main role is played by offended pride and an elementary hunting instinct, which is inherent not only to representatives of the stronger sex, but also to many ladies. If it is in these aspects, then the return of the errant is already an act of self-affirmation and, to some extent, of revenge. With such reasons it is better to turn to a psychologist and settle the relationship, first of all, to your beloved.

The answer to the question of how to return a lover, modern psychology, advises:

  1. We must pause, wait for the time that the man had time to feel that he really missed his abandoned mistress. If he had another woman, then time will give him the opportunity to satiate and get used to a new passion.
  2. Time to pause should be spent wisely, to do your own transformation, improvement and self-development . The appearance of a woman is her business card, you can assess the internal qualities and abilities only after a while, and see the beauty, grooming and charm of a matter of a second. When the abandoned lover sees his former lover not dead and sobbing, but transformed and renewed, it will intrigue him and, at least, make him wonder whether he hastened to break this connection.
  3. In no case should you be obtrusive and pester your loved one with calls and sms, this behavior does not attract, but rather repels. It is necessary to show self-respect, but at the same time do not hide the regrets about the broken relations. So a man can understand that everything can be tried to return.

When returning a lover, it is necessary to show female cunning and even sophistication, but do not forget about tactfulness. If he appreciated not only sex, but also communication, then sooner or later he will start to miss it. It is worth giving him this opportunity - just to see and talk. When asked how to return a married lover, it is much more difficult to answer. After all, a married man can feel remorse for a wife who is cheating. And then you need to ask yourself the question of whether you need a rushing, doubting and tormenting lover and is it not better to find a free man.