Zinc for hair

Healthy and beautiful hair is not only given by nature, but also the result of proper care. But sometimes, despite the use of all shampoos, balms and masks, the appearance of the hair deteriorates, they begin to fall out. In this case, one external care is not enough, since, most likely, we are talking about the lack of vitamins and microelements in the body, in particular - zinc.

Than zinc for hair is useful?

First of all, zinc is an antioxidant and promotes elimination of unnecessary substances from the body, which, in turn, stimulates metabolic processes. In addition, the hair always contains a certain amount of zinc, which ensures the assimilation of proteins and the formation of normal hair structure. Also, zinc affects the normal operation of the sebaceous glands, including the head. Therefore, the lack of zinc in the body can lead to various problems: from loss of hair appearance and slowing their growth, to active hair loss, the formation of bald patches and even complete baldness.

Preparations with zinc for hair

Zinc preparations are widely used both for the treatment of baldness, and for the prevention of hair loss.

Multivitamin Complexes

They help to prevent and improve the general condition. Zinc is part of a significant number of complexes with vitamins and minerals, the most famous of which are:

Against a strong hair loss, multivitamins will not help, because the amount of zinc contained in them is not enough to compensate for its deficiency in the body.

Tablets with zinc for hair

Special means designed to compensate for the shortage of this element in the body. Take them with caution, as an overdose of zinc may cause dizziness and nausea. The most common drugs are :

Shampoo for hair with zinc

To combat hair loss , zinc ingestion is more effective, although those who have hair actively climb, it is worth using shampoo with its content. In addition, with external application of zinc affects the work of the sebaceous glands and this has an anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, zinc is usually added to shampoos designed to combat seborrhea and dandruff. The most popular and effective means of such a plan is Friederm Zinc shampoo.