Signs on November 4

This date was widely celebrated by our ancestors, because on November 4, the feast of the Kazan Mother of God is celebrated. There are many signs for November 4, which are related to the weather, and with marriage and other events. There are also special rituals that can be held.

Signs of weather for the Kazan Mother of God on November 4

By the presence or absence of precipitation, one can judge the coming cooling or thaw. Pouring rain means that the rainy weather will last for a long time and hope for a clear sky and the appearance of the sun is not worth it. The morning mist foreshadows the onset of a thaw, but the clear weather, on the contrary, speaks of the coming cooling.

Signs and superstitions about the marriage of 4 November to the Kazan Mother of God

An unmarried girl who wants to find the groom in the morning should go for a walk to the birch grove, find a leaf covered with a layer of frost and look at him as in a mirror. It is believed that this will contribute to finding love and a quick, and most importantly, a successful marriage.

To appoint a marriage on November 4 is considered to be luck by folk style. It is believed that couples who have concluded an alliance will live in peace, harmony, material prosperity and will not experience difficulties.

By the way, to put a candle and pray before the icon of the Kazan Mother of God will also be the right decision. You can ask for luck, prosperity and protection for your loved ones. It is believed that the request will be executed, especially if it concerns issues of health, love and getting rid of troubles. Also, the icon will hear the one who decided to ask for happiness for his children.

There is also a special rite that will help preserve the supplies made for the winter. You need to smoke a cellar or a shed with the smoke of a juniper. This will scare off evil spirits and help save all supplies. Fumigation is carried out for 5-10 minutes.