How long does microblooding brow?

Microblue browsing - a modern version of manual tattoo, which allows you to adjust the shape, volume and color of eyebrows. The procedure is considered to be gentle and does not cause side effects. To the reasons for the popularity of microblasting can be attributed a minimum number of contraindications and a quick result. Nevertheless, this tattoo has a drawback - the short duration of the action. We'll figure out how much microbladeing eyebrows are holding, and whether it's possible to extend the effect of the procedure.

How long does microblasting last?

The duration of the effect depends largely on your body. The low molecular weight pigment used in microblasting is gradually excreted with the lymphatic fluid. Therefore, the duration of the effect is related to the metabolic rate. The faster the metabolism, the less microblading will last. For the same reason, in older women, the effect will last longer - with age, the metabolism slows down.

On average, the duration of the microblasting effect is 8-11 months. However, you can extend the time, if you protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. In the sun, the pigment begins to pale much faster. Therefore it is necessary to use protective creams when visiting beaches and tanning beds. The solar protection factor of the facilities used in the southern resorts should be quite high - 30-40. If you live in the middle band - 15-20.

How long will the effect of microblooding eyebrows, if you use a non-natural coloring pigment, and tattoo-dye? Unfortunately, this will not allow to prolong the effect of the procedure. In addition, over time, the color of the tattoo will change the tone and eyebrows can turn to blue or red. It is much easier to undergo microblasting adjustment once every six months. This will permanently maintain the color and clarity of the lines of the eyebrows.

Often ladies are interested in how much the crust keeps after microblasting. Since the procedure is gentle, the crust from the injections lasts about 3 days. It is important not to remove it, the crust must go away by itself. Otherwise, you can spoil a clear line of eyebrows.

Even knowing how much microblasting is holding, some women do not dare to proceed. The reason is obvious - if the tattoo departs, there are traces of blue on the skin. A questionable decoration for the face, is not it? Do not be afraid of such consequences if you decide on microblasting. The only defect that can be encountered is a light gray-brown shadow, almost invisible under the hairs.

Correction of eyebrows will often have to be done to women with oily skin. At these ladies the pigment faster loses clarity and the line of eyebrows can be slightly blurred. In a person with a slow metabolism and normal skin type , the effect often lasts more than 2 years.

How to prolong the effect of microblasting?

The effect will last longer if you follow the wizard's recommendations:

  1. Do not visit the sauna, swimming pool, solarium and beach for a week after the procedure.
  2. Do not rip off the crust.
  3. Do not use self-selected pharmacy products for wound healing. In this case, pharmacological agents will accelerate the pigment output. Suitable medications should be advised by the master.
  4. To the effect lasted longer, and the clarity of the lines was expressive, it is desirable to repeat the microblasting procedure within 1-1.5 months. This will allow the body to better absorb the pigment, since the primary procedure passes with the assimilation of only 50% of the colorant.

As you can see, as long as the microblooding of eyebrows lasts, it largely depends on the woman herself. Therefore, carefully listen to the advice of a cosmetologist.