Ice cream for face from wrinkles - recipes

Beautiful, smart skin is available to every woman. The main thing is not to struggle with manifestations of age, but to prevent them. In this respect, the ice works fine for the face from wrinkles , the recipes of which we prepared especially for those who care about their appearance in 5-10 years. However, washing with ice has a quick effect - it improves the complexion and relieves swelling.

What are the useful ice cubes for the face from wrinkles?

Ice for the face helps against wrinkles due to the fact that it affects the blood vessels, causing them to taper sharply. Thus, we seem to be training the skin, then speeding up, then slowing down the circulation process. Similar gymnastics starts the process of cell regeneration, speeds up the metabolism of the dermis and increases the elasticity of the skin structures. Of course, for a visible effect it will take more than one month. After all, wrinkles did not appear in one day, not for one day they are smoothed out.

Those who do not have wrinkles yet, washing with ice will help to keep youth as long as possible, because the benefits of cryotherapy for the face are proved by the experience of many generations of women. But ice for wiping the face in order to get rid of wrinkles should be used very carefully, so as not to hurt yourself. Here are the basic rules:

  1. Cubes of ice should be slightly melted, so as not to injure the skin with a sharp edge. It is best to get them from the freezer 10 minutes before the procedure.
  2. The ideal time for washing the ice is the morning. At this time, the metabolic processes in the body are activated, so the ice will help the skin to quickly come into tone.
  3. Narrowing, and then expanding the vessels accelerate the release of toxins, so in young women this can trigger skin rashes.
  4. It is impossible to take a long warm shower or bath after the ice, make hot compresses, and even wash with hot water. But before the procedure it is quite possible to afford a little warm up.
  5. Washing with ice is contraindicated in couperose.
  6. Do not work on the face with cold for too long, the procedure should take 30-40 seconds not to catch a cold on the facial nerve.
  7. Prepare ice cubes only with proven recipes.

Which herbs to choose for ice for a face from wrinkles?

Ice cubes for the face against wrinkles are rather easy to prepare at home. Owners of oily skin is quite suitable frozen broth chamomile pharmacist.

Those with skin prone to dryness and wilt are better to take in equal proportions mint leaves, lemon balm, sage and lavender flowers. They can be steamed with boiling water, cooled under a lid and freeze, without filtering. Of course, only if the herbal raw materials are well ground. So you will amplify the effect of the procedure due to massage.

Those who have the first wrinkles already made themselves felt, it will be useful to prepare cubes based on whole milk. It perfectly nourishes and softens the skin. Here is one of the most popular recipes:

  1. Take 100 ml of milk, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of aloe juice, 1 teaspoon of oats flaked in a coffee grinder.
  2. Mix all ingredients in a blender, let stand at room temperature for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Spread on silicone molds, freeze.
  4. Use every morning. Cubes should be led along massage lines - from the center of the face to the sides. Under the eyes, the contact of the skin with ice should be very short.

Fresh parsley is not only a record holder for the content of vitamin C, but also a wonderful whitening agent that will help to cope with pigmented spots . This is especially true for women in their ages! To prepare cubes for washing it is possible both from freshly squeezed juice of parsley, and from broth. Freshly squeezed juice is diluted with pure water in proportions one to one. The broth is prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. Take 2 tbsp. spoons with a slide of dry parsley, 2 drops of lemon juice, 1 grated cucumber, 25 ml of water.
  2. Pour the parsley with boiling water, let cool.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients, mix.
  4. Spread the mass on the molds, freeze.