35 weeks gestation - fetal weight

At all stages of fetal development during the ultrasound, the computer program automatically calculates the weight of the baby. This information allows you to monitor how it develops and whether the weight of the fetus corresponds to this term of pregnancy.

It is believed that the weight of the fetus depends very much on whether the mother feeds properly during the gestation period. This theory is not always confirmed in practice, after all, the main influence is exerted by the genes of the parents - large and tall parents often have a baby of at least 4 kg, and vice versa - if the mother is miniature and the father is not very young, then most likely the baby will be weigh about three kilograms.

The weight of the baby at the 35th week of pregnancy

In the beginning and in the middle of pregnancy to reveal conformity of growth and weight to a term is very important. But why determine it when there are a few weeks left before delivery and soon the baby will be born? These data are necessary to understand whether a woman can give birth on her own or need surgery.

The size of the mother's pelvis may not correspond to the estimated weight of the child, which is determined by ultrasound for the last time on the 35th week. If this is missed and sent to a woman during childbirth, then the irreparable can happen. Therefore, it is so important to calculate this figure several weeks before the end of pregnancy.

A special case is the weight of twins for 35 weeks of pregnancy. On this parameter determine the fullness of pregnancy, because often birth occurs precisely in this period. Normally it is considered, when the weight of one kid is from one and a half to two kilograms, but it happens even higher, and this is an excellent indicator.

It is not always possible to determine the exact weight of a child, these are only approximate data. Obstetricians themselves joke about this topic - plus or minus half a bucket. But nevertheless to define it it is necessary. How does this happen?

Methods for calculating the weight of the fetus

During ultrasound, the weight of the fetus is calculated using a weight calculator. For this purpose, data on BDP (biparietal size of the fetal head), head circumference, abdomen, femur and humerus length, and forearm and frontal-occipital size are entered. All these figures in the aggregate (a definite formula) and give an idea of ​​the approximate weight of the child.

At a time when ultrasound was not yet so common, the weight of the fetus at 35 weeks was calculated using a conventional measuring tape. To do this, measured the circumference of the abdomen, the height of the bottom of the uterus, as well as in some cases, the weight and height of the most pregnant. This method is used in obstetric practice to this day.

Fetal weight at 35 weeks gestation

The approximate weight of a child at 35 weeks is about two and a half kilograms, but these data are purely individual and can be very different for different pregnant women. Why is the baby so small, you ask? Yes, because for the remaining five weeks, he will gain the weight he placed quickly enough, because on average he adds 200 grams daily.

If the doctor revealed significant deviations and the weight of the baby exceeds 3500-4000 grams, then most likely there is a pathology in the form of diabetes. Conversely, low weight (less than 2 kg) indicates a delay in fetal development. If such a diagnosis is made, Mom should not despair, because practice shows that in such situations, an absolutely healthy baby with an average weight is often born.