Yogurt in the Multivariate - recipe

Today we will share with you some recipes for cooking yogurt in a multivariate. Such a dessert will perfectly satisfy the hunger and fill the body with energy.

Recipe for homemade yogurt in a multivariate


We pour milk into the cup of the multivarquet, set the "Multipovar" mode to a temperature of 160 degrees and bring it to a boil. Then we cool, remove the foam and gently pour the yogurt , whipping the mass with a fork. After that, close the lid and prepare the dessert in the "Yogurt" mode for about 6 hours. When the dish becomes dense, then homemade yogurt is ready.

The yoghurt recipe in the Panasonic multivariate



As a starter, we will use the drinking yoghurt Activa. We take pasteurized milk, pour it into a saucepan, put it on a weak fire and heat it to a warm state. If you have overheated the milk a little, then we cool it, but do not mix it with Activia. We combine the leaven with warm milk and mix well.

The jars are prepared in advance, they must be clean and completely dry. Remember that the smaller the jar, the thicker the yogurt. So, we pour our future dessert on jars, cover with lids, but do not spin. Or we tighten each jar with food foil.

Next, at the bottom of the bowl, we draw a towel and carefully place the jars with yoghurt. Fill the bowl to the milk level with warm water and close the lid of the appliance. Turn on the display mode "Heating" and mark on the clock for 15-20 minutes. After this time, turn off the multivark and leave the yogurt stand for about 1 hour. After an hour, turn on the same mode again for 15-20 minutes, and then remove the jars of yogurt in the refrigerator.

The recipe for yogurt in the multivarquet "Polaris"



Prepare a homemade fruit yogurt in a multivarker is quite simple. So, my apples, dried with a napkin, cut off the skin from them and carefully cut out the core. Then grind the fruit in small pieces and set aside while away. In the milk pour the ready-made leaven, pour out the apples, mix and dispense the resulting mixture in jars. Then we put them in the bowl of the multivarquet, turn on the program "Multipovar", select the temperature 40 degrees and cook yoghurt with pieces of fruit about 12 hours under the closed lid. After the sound signal, carefully take out the jars and move them for several hours in the refrigerator.

The recipe for sweet yogurt in the multivariate



Yogurt put in a bowl, add the powdered sugar and stir well with a whisk. Then gradually, in small portions, pour in the milk, and each time mix the mixture until uniform. Apricots are washed, dried, remove the stone and cut into small cubes. Now lay out the prepared fruit in jars and fill it with a milk mixture. Mix everything with a spatula for homogeneity. At the bottom of the bowl multivarka we make a napkin, we set our jars to cover them with lids.

We close the device, select the program "Multiport", the temperature is 40 degrees and set the time for 10 hours. At the end of the regime, turn off the multivark, take out the jars, mix the contents with a spoon, close the lids and remove the yogurt in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. We serve dessert chilled.