Couscous in the Multivariate

Couscous - one of the most popular dishes in many Arab countries, consisting of small grains of manga, many times covered with a thin layer of flour. Let 's learn with you how to cook a couscous in a multivarquet and please the guests with a delicious and nutritious dish.

Couscous recipe in a multivarquet with meat



To prepare the couscous in a multivarque, we prepare all the vegetables first. Onions are cleaned and finely chopped. Carrots are cleaned and rubbed on a melon grater. Chicken fillet crushed in small cubes. Now take the pot, pour a little oil on the bottom and pass it onion for about 3 minutes, periodically, stirring. Add the carrots, stir, fry for another 3 minutes, and then lay out the fillet in the roasting and cook everything together on a small fire for 10 minutes. Then add water and bring to a boil. Add salt, put cinnamon, pepper to taste, mix. Pour couscous, immediately close the cast iron lid and remove the dish from the fire, insisting it for 5-7 minutes. Cus - kus during this time should swell well and absorb all the liquid. When serving, sprinkle a dish of couscous with any fresh herbs.

Couscous Recipe in the Multivariate



Consider, another way how to cook couscous in a multivariate. At the bottom of the bowl we spread the butter, turn on the "Bake" mode and melt it. Then add the frayed carrots and fry for about 15 minutes. Next, lay out pre-washed and soaked dried fruits: raisins, prunes, dried apricots. All carefully mix, pour out couscous, add water, close the lid and wait for the signal of readiness. Now lay out the porridge on a plate, put another slice of oil, stir and serve with fresh vegetables to the table, decorating the dish with greens.