How much does the baby sleep in 6 months?

The duration of child sleep is always a cause for concern for young mothers. To the baby fully developed and most of the time was in a positive mood, he should get enough sleep. Otherwise, during the day the youngster will be easily irritated and capricious for any reason, and various skills and abilities will be developed much later than their peers.

Since the birth of the baby, the regime of his day changes significantly with each month. If a newborn baby sleeps almost all the time, then later his waking periods begin to increase, and the duration of sleep, respectively, is reduced. In this article, we will tell you how much a baby needs to sleep in 6 months to feel good and always be cheerful and cheerful.

How much does the baby sleep at 6 months in the daytime and at night?

Of course, all babies are individual, and the normal duration of sleep for each of them can vary significantly. On average, a six-month-old baby sleeps about 8-10 hours at night and 4-6 hours in the afternoon. The total sleep time of the baby can vary from 14 to 16 hours.

Often, young parents are interested in how many times a child sleeps in 6 months during the day. Here, too, everything is individual, and if for some crumbs there may be enough two periods of rest, lasting 2-2.5 hours each, then others need to sleep 3 times a day for about 1.5-2 hours.

Nevertheless, the baby sleeps in 6 months as much as he needs. If it seems to you that your child does not get enough sleep, but at the same time throughout the day he feels well and does not act up, but during periods of wakefulness he calmly and with interest plays into his toys, so the chosen regime suits him. If the child often whines, turns in the crib and arches in his arms, it means he needs more rest, and the duration of sleep should be increased.