Activated carbon and alcohol

Poisoning of alcoholic beverages because of their excessive use is familiar to almost every person. Sorbents help to combat intoxication of the body and hangover syndrome . For example, activated carbon and alcohol in the blood quickly enter into a chemical reaction, during which carbon is able to neutralize the action of ethanol.

Activated carbon after alcohol

When poisoning with strong drinks in the tissues of the human body and the digestive system, poison - acetaldehyde accumulates. It is his high concentrations that provoke the states called hangovers.

Due to the absorbent capacity due to the porous structure, the action of activated carbon on alcohol is the rapid absorption and binding of molecules of ethanol derivatives.

Proper use is considered a single intake of 8-10 tablets in the morning on an empty stomach. You can eat after 2 hours.

It is worth noting that the sorption properties of the drug are enhanced if it is first ground and dissolved in pure water. Similarly, activated charcoal in alcohol poisoning quickly penetrates into the bloodstream and more efficiently absorbs toxins. If you decide to use the described method, the dosage should be reduced (up to 4-5 tablets) or divided into 2 divided doses.

Activated charcoal before alcohol

This recipe allows you to avoid intoxication and stay longer in a sober state. Such results are achieved due to the fact that carbon compounds slow the absorption of poisonous ethanol derivatives into the blood and promote an increase in the protective functions of the liver.

Activated charcoal before drinking alcohol should drink for 3.5-4 hours before the feast. A single dosage is 4 tablets. Some experienced people also recommend eating a small sandwich with butter or a piece of fat. Fat has the property of enveloping mucous membranes, further slowing the penetration of alcohol into the body.

If you do not tolerate alcohol or quickly get drunk, it is advisable to take 2 more pills of the drug first 2 hours before drinking, and then 1 capsule of coal just before you sit down at the table. Do not forget to eat tightly, preferably protein foods with a high fat content - fish, meat, ham or lard. Do not drink alcohol with soda water or mix different kinds of drinks.