Baby Bathing Hat

Bathing for any child is an important hygienic procedure, which, besides, in fact, hygiene, provides a quiet sleep to the baby. This kind of ritual is usually popular with children, but parents sometimes have to face certain difficulties. This is especially true for infants, who are more comfortable bathing together. Not always my mom has helpers or the size of the bathroom does not allow both parents there to properly accommodate. In such cases, a hat for bathing babies is useful. What functions does it perform? How to choose the right accessory? In which cases without a cap for bathing babies can not do? Let's understand.

Types of bathing caps

Before making a choice in favor of one or another cap, you need to decide on what it is needed and to whom. If you decide to attach the baby to a baby swimming, then you need a so-called mermaid cap - a bathing cap with foam plastic, which is put on by the baby during swimming training. Mom, first bathing a child in such a hat, disappointed in it - the head still wants to plunge under the water, the fabric ties get wet, which makes it difficult to untie them, water can enter the ears, nose and mouth. But that does not mean that the hat is bad! The child must first learn to keep the head in it, and after a few lessons you can safely let it go to "free swimming".

Another thing, if for a newborn, the bathing cap is necessary because the mother just needs to release her hands to wash the baby. In this case, it is better to use a special inflatable circle, which is put on the neck, or an inflatable cap. In such adaptations the child's head will always be on the surface of the water. Some mummies adapt for these purposes car cushions for sleeping.

Sometimes for children, a bathing cap is needed because they are afraid of getting water or shampoo on their face. That is, its functions are not reduced to keeping the head above the water, but to the peak. Such a cap-visor for bathing is a kind of panama with wide margins and the absence of the upper part. Access to the hairs is free, and water flows down the fields and does not bother the baby. If you have such an accessory, an empty bottle of shampoo "without tears" will not be a problem - a normal shampoo will not irritate the eyes.

If you and the child are swimming in the pool, the bathing cap is a must-have accessory. Experienced coaches will tell you which option will be the most convenient and safe for your young swimmer.

We make a cap for bathing babies with our own hands

And now advice for mothers-needlewomen, how to sew a cap for bathing from improvised materials.

We need:

We begin to make a bathing cap.

  1. We cut out six cubes of foam. Their size should be such that they fit on the cap around the head of the baby.
  2. From the cut of cotton fabric, we cut out six rectangles. Their size is equal to the size of the polystyrene cubes plus 2 centimeters on each side (allowance).
  3. Put the styrofoam in the fabric rectangles as in a pocket and sew on the front edge of the child's cap. We sew ribbons-ties, and the hat is ready!
  4. Do not forget that all seams should be made outside the cap, so that the baby is comfortable in it. Floats made of foam plastic should be fixed securely so that during bathing they do not fall out of the fabric pockets.