Child development in 9 months

To the child fully developed, he needs not only developing games and classes, but also love, caress and care of parents. Mom and Dad, who are attentive to their child, always note any changes that occur to him. The newly acquired skills of the child make them tremble delight, and any, even the slightest backlog of crumbs from their peers - a strong excitement and anxiety.

In most cases, such a backlog does not indicate a serious pathology in the child, however, in order to be sure that the baby is developing correctly, it is necessary to assess the level of his knowledge every calendar month. There are certain norms by which you can understand whether everything is in order with your baby, and in case of revealing deviations pay the attention of the attending physician to this.

In this article we will tell you what a child can do in 9 months with normal development, and what games with him are best played to improve known skills and master new knowledge.

Physical development of the baby in 9 months

The level of development of a baby at the age of 9 months is already quite high, in order to perform many actions without the help of adults. So, under the influence of natural curiosity and interest in all the things around him, the crumb can already move independently in any direction, crawling on all fours or "in a plastic way". Also, from the situation "on the stomach" a nine-month-old child can sit down without much difficulty.

At the same time, not all children can stay and balance for a long time. As a rule, a nine-month-old carp sit with a flat back no more than a minute, and after that constantly aligns the position of his body, leaning with handles against a hard surface. Grabbing for a strong support, for example, the back of the sofa or the edge of your own crib, most of the kids can already stand up on their own.

Emotional development of a child in 9 months

A nine-month-old child is very dependent on a mother or another person who spends most of his time with him, as close adults inspire confidence and calmness. In the new environment, on the contrary, he can feel fear and anxiety.

In some moments, the natural cunning of the baby is already manifested. For example, he can turn away when he realizes that you are going to drip his nose. Your child is already actively using mimic movements - on his face you can see emotions expressing pleasure, attention, joy or resentment.

In the development of the child's speech in 9 months, there is a real breakthrough - he can already say one or more words, such as "mom" or "dad". Nevertheless, such combinations of syllables still can not be considered meaningful speech - the baby pronounces them solely for the purpose of training and developing the voice apparatus, but does not relate to real people.

Most nine-month-old children do a lot and long babble, sorting out various letter combinations. There is also considerable progress in understanding the speech of adults-with each passing day the child understands more and more of the text addressed to him.

Developing games with a baby at the age of 9 months

To entertain your son or daughter and help him with mastering new skills can various games with a salty batter cooked at home. For example, you can make a small cake out of it and stick fingers or big beads, buttons, macaroni, beans and so on into it, and the crumb will be very happy to pick them up. Similar games with a child at the age of 9 months contribute to the development of fine motor skills of his pens and, accordingly, the speech center.

In addition, all babies at this age are very fond of playing hide and seek, closing themselves with a blanket or covering their parents, as well as various games in which the actions of a mother or father can be imitated.

Of course, each child is individual, and the pace of its development depends on many factors, for example, a premature baby at 9 months may not have all the skills that his peers possess. In addition, boys in most cases develop a little slower than girls. In any case, if you have identified a minor deviation in your child, this is not a reason for panic, but it is a signal to watch the child.