I want to marry a rich man

Type in the search bar "how to marry a rich man" ... Congratulations: you are on the right track! It's good that you realize your desire and are ready to take certain steps towards its implementation. After all, not only the fairy tale about Cinderella, but life is full of examples proving that rich men enjoy having ordinary women, and sometimes live with them for a long time, richly and happily. So, you decided that you need a husband. And even chose one of its main advantages - wealth. Let's figure out where to look for wealthy men, and how to make them conquer you.

Where to hunt?

If you want to marry a rich man, you need to be ready for spending. You can search for:

  1. In expensive cafes and restaurants. It is better to choose the time of business lunch, when the rivals are smaller, and the man in a serious mood. A glass of freshly squeezed juice, a light salad, an interesting book. You are relaxed, confident, pleasing to the eye during a busy day.
  2. At concerts or at the theater. It is worthwhile to track expensive concerts and spend money on a ticket. It is impossible to get into the VIP-box - "cut" in the foyer. Premieres go only if you are a true connoisseur of art and can maintain a conversation over a glass of champagne during the intermission. A man seldom finds himself in the theater by chance: he will be led by a subtle soul organization, or ... by his wife.
  3. Golf, tennis, horse racing, casino. Men, inflamed with excitement, will be pleased to pay attention to the spectacular lady who clearly shares their interests. If possible, go to the prestigious ski resorts.
  4. At work. Get a job at a company whose director is promising and rich - a bold step, but quite justified. If you do not marry a rich boss, then, at least, you will gain working experience. Working in expensive stores (shoe stores, watch salons, etc.) increases your chances of finding a rich candidate.
  5. In the Internet. Yes, sometimes it happens that a rich man does not have time to look for a bride in real life, but there are quite a few minutes for viewing the questionnaires. The method is unreliable, in view of the fact that virtual reality is deceptive.
  6. In newspapers and magazines. The market for promising suitors can and should be studied. Magazines sometimes publish lists of rich bachelors, valuable for those who want to find a rich husband.
  7. At the house. A pretty bold decision, however, if you know whom you are hunting for, then you do not need to "get lost", or "stall" in the right place. It is always pleasant to help a beautiful woman.

How to make the rich man's intentions serious?

Most likely, to the beads of hanging beauties on your neck, your "rich Pinocchio" is already used. Remember: he loves and knows how to achieve the goals, so it's important to become the goal yourself.