How to determine the breed of a dog?

We exist side by side with these funny and funny animals for thousands of years and can no longer imagine a life without them. The difference between the breeds of dogs began to appear is very given, and it is related to their origin, climate, the conditions in which they live, for which these dogs are used. People purposefully carried out selection works to adapt their hairy friends for a particular job, which had a profound effect on the appearance of the animal.

How to determine which breed a dog is?

Well, when you get a puppy with properly drawn up documents, then such problems do not arise. But sometimes a dog enters your house accidentally, bought from a stranger in the market. You take it only because you liked it, and do not pay attention to such moments. But over time, when the baby begins to grow up, stretch, and people want to determine the breed of his dog by description. What points should you pay special attention to when examining your pet?

Inspection of the appearance of the dog:

  1. First of all, find out its weight and height. These data are always shown in all the catalogs, and should help the owner determine the breed of an adult dog or puppy.
  2. Type of dog's muzzle: sharp, flattened, normal, sloping, angular, hairy. Pay special attention to it. At Spitz it is pointed, but the bulldog is completely different - flat.
  3. Types of ears: short, torn, bent, hanging. Greyhounds are usually lop-eared, and quite different standing ears from a German shepherd.
  4. The structure of the body is also different. In some dogs the body is elongated, while in others it is short.
  5. You can navigate the structure of the paws. They can be short, medium or long. Due to this sign of dachshund, Westphalian marriage, terriers and bassetes with other breeds you definitely will not confuse.
  6. The coat and color of the dog can be of a very different length. Smooth-haired - danes, bulldogs, beagle , dachshund, pug, boxer. Long-haired - setter, spaniel, komondor, collie, newfoundland, Belgian shepherd.
  7. It will help to determine the breed of dog monitoring its behavior. Among them there are also choleric, phlegmatic or melancholic individuals. Poodles, dobermanns, German shepherds, almost all dwarf dogs are choleric. They are mobile and extremely active. Teams remember well and obedient character is possessed by boxers, danes, collies, labradors, poodles and dachshunds. Several unbalanced and melancholic are most often representatives of large breeds - St. Bernards, German danes, mastiffs, American bulldogs. They are difficult to get along with other pets and require increased attention.

Only officially registered dog breeds exist about four hundred, and their number inexorably grows. To make a small test how to determine the breed of dogs is simply impossible. The description of each of them is worthy of a separate article. After all, in appearance and magnitude, they are very different. Neapolitan mastiffs weigh more than a hundred kilograms, and chihuahua kids can fit in a lady's purse. Exactly give an answer to this question can only test DNA, an experienced cynologist or a qualified veterinarian.