How to wean a cat to tear a sofa?

If your cat scratches furniture, it does not mean that it wants to "annoy" the owner. Some believe that this way the cat "sharpens" the claws. But experts say that this is a behavioral feature of cats.

Why does a cat scratch a sofa?

To such natural needs of cats is its sipping at the time when it scratches furniture: so the animal stretches the muscles of the body and feels great pleasure at the same time. Scratching the sofa, the cat thus removes from the claws their upper layer, which is the key to their health. Sometimes cats scratch furniture if they are upset.

So how should you act in this case, how to wean the cat to tear the sofa and other furniture? This is of course not an easy task, but some of the tips will help you to save furniture.

Sometimes the owners believe that while the cat starts scratching the furniture, you have to spray it with water or slap it with a tap. However, such actions will have the opposite effect. The cat will think that she can not tear the sofa into your presence and will do it when no one is at home.

To scare off a cat from upholstered furniture it is possible, having hung near to an armchair or a sofa strongly smelling grasses in a small bag. Although the smell in the room will not be very pleasant, but the cat will definitely scare it. Armchairs and sofas, chosen by your cat, can be covered with thick covers.

Put a scratching stick at home. But before you buy it, you need to follow the behavior of your pet to understand what kind of fabric the cats do not tear, and to which they will leave their marks with pleasure. Pay attention to which surface your cat prefers to sharpen the claws: vertical or horizontal. Depending on this, choose a scratching pad. Install it should be away from the couch or chair, so that the cat accidentally again did not switch to furniture. Sawclaws that are sold in shops have a scent of valerian or cats, so cats can easily find them in the house. On sale there are whole training complexes for cats, which include and scratching.