Oxygen cocktail at home

Recently, more and more often children are offered in schools (kindergartens and schools) and children's polyclinics to drink oxygen cocktails that saturate the body with the necessary amount of oxygen. But this is necessary at any age, beginning with junior schoolchildren and ending with retirees. After all, people working in offices are spending less time outdoors, and gas pollution in cities does not contribute to improving human health.

It turns out that it is quite possible to saturate the body with oxygen without leaving the street, as it is possible to make an oxygen cocktail at home using a special device for its preparation.

What is an oxygen cocktail?

The oxygen cocktail is a lush foam that contains a lot of bubbles with oxygen and phytovitamin. To consume this drink is necessary in the first minutes after manufacturing, otherwise the foam will settle, and the content of useful substances will sharply decrease.

After getting the cocktail into the stomach, the oxygen in it is absorbed very quickly into the blood, which helps enrich them in the shortest possible time with organs and tissues. As a result, metabolism is activated, blood circulation and cellular metabolism improve, and the body's defenses are activated. This prevents the accumulation of fats, stagnating food and turning it into slag. So oxygen faster and more enters the brain, so the latter starts to work better. Thus, the problem of headaches and migraines is solved.

You can drink oxygen cocktails at any age. Children need it to strengthen immunity or restore it after illness, adults - for good performance, pregnant women - to prevent oxygen starvation of the fetus, and for older people - to regulate blood pressure, improve memory and sleep.

For prevention, adults should drink this cocktail 3 times a day, and children 1-2 times 250-300 ml each day. It is recommended to do this before meals or two hours after, for a month, then take a break for 15 days.

Preparation of an oxygen cocktail at home

If you decide to improve the health of your family and begin to prepare an oxygen cocktail at home, then you need to buy equipment consisting of foam making instruments, without which it is impossible to make it so airy. It is a source of oxygen: a concentrator or an oxygen cylinder and a whipping device - a cocktailer or an oxygen mixer.

Recipe for an oxygen cocktail at home

It will take:


  1. Mix the base (liquid) with a foaming agent in the mixer's container and let stand to make the mass become homogeneous.
  2. We connect the mixer to the source of oxygen and immerse it in the prepared mass for a few seconds.
  3. Beat the mixer for 10-15 seconds, and the useful foam is ready.

Even at home, you can prepare an oxygen cocktail without it equipment, and using oxygen stone. For this you need:

  1. Mix the juice with a foaming agent, let it steep for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Connect the oxygen cylinder to the stone and lower it into the finished mass.
  3. Press the oxygen supply valve and turn off the foam after it is ready.

Knowing how to prepare an oxygen cocktail at home, you can provide all members of your family with the necessary amount of oxygen for their body, which will help restore and preserve health. But even daily consumption of oxygen cocktails will not replace fresh air, so go out for walks in the park or in the forest more often.