Polyurethane for dogs

Why then many people believe that a dog living in an apartment simply can not get infected with worms. However, statistics - a stubborn thing, and according to her, up to 80% of all domestic animals are carriers of some kind of helminths. And do you know what exactly are so dangerous worms and how to determine the presence of an invasion? Before answering this question, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors, such as: weight, animal growth, worm species, age.

First of all, it is necessary to classify the feces in the laboratory for analysis, and it must be done regularly, and not once in life at best. After all, helminths are a very dangerous disease. Worms can live anywhere in the body, in the intestines, liver, heart, etc. They cause mechanical damage to organs, permeating them, and also poison the body of the "owner" with toxic products of vital activity. The modern market is full of offers of various means for invasion, anthelmintic preparations for dogs can be purchased even in zoos, but before you run to the pharmacy and buy everything, you need to make sure that the dog is infected with helminths.

Is the dog sick?

The dog is sick with helminthiasis if:

Protein means for dogs

Glystoynonnoe for dogs should be purchased in a good vetaptek, the quality of products which you trust, because recently the cases of poisoning due to fake anthelmintic for dogs have become frequent. Gather positive feedback about the drug you are about to buy, for example, ask the breeder's opinion, or the breed lovers.

How to give a vermilion dog?

You should not give the anthelmintic every month, if the animal looks healthy, it will be enough to "worm" every six months. It is necessary to buy anthelmintic for dogs before vaccination, and give it to the animal 10 days before the injection.

How to give a verminous dog to you will tell any veterinarian or pharmacist. Be sure to check all contraindications and possible side effects. Do not forget that anthelmintic tablets for dogs are inherently a poison that, in addition to the toxic effect on parasites, also has a toxic effect on the host organism. Take care that the anthelmintization of the animal has been carried out as safely as possible.