The cat lost its voice

Regardless of whether your pet "talkative" or only occasionally produces short sounds, then you will sooner or later notice that the cat has lost its voice. What is the reason for this phenomenon and whether it is worth seriously worrying, we learn from this article.

The cat lost its voice - the reasons

There are many factors that affect the change in the voice of the cat or its complete disappearance:

The cat lost its voice - what to do?

As soon as you notice that your pet's voice is gone or it becomes hoarse, start watching it more closely. Pay attention to recent events - whether the cat was breathing in a smoke-filled room, whether there was a draft, whether it was inhaled by household chemicals, or perhaps you painted something.

If the reason is, remove the cat from the room where there are adverse factors or, conversely, remove these factors from your pet.

If the cause can not be established and you can not determine for yourself what caused the loss of voice, it is better to contact the veterinarian. He will determine the disease and prescribe treatment. Probably, it is necessary to remove a foreign object from the respiratory tract. Do not take any measures for treatment yourself, if for sure you do not know what's wrong with your pet.