Patriotic education in kindergarten

You can not grow a full-fledged person without the formation of civil qualities. Patriotic education begins quite early - in the kindergarten, with the inculcation of love for the small Homeland - the place where man was born and lives. The patriotic education of preschool children is aimed at solving a wide range of tasks: fostering love for the family and native land, respect for labor and the results of labor, history and defenders of the Motherland; familiarization with national symbols, national holidays and traditions.

Due to a number of objective and subjective circumstances, the upbringing of patriotic feelings among preschool children took second place. In the 80's and 90's, the view was widespread that preschool institutions should not "politicize" the pedagogical process, especially since many historical events are not so unambiguous. The result of this attitude is a lack of spirituality and kindness, a lack of love for the Motherland. At present, the issues of moral and patriotic upbringing in the pre-school are considered as priority, the formation of patriotic feelings in preschool children is based on national culture and continuity of generations. In addition, considerable attention is paid to legal development and problems of socialization of the younger generation.

Methods of patriotic education of preschool children

For a full-fledged patriotic upbringing in the DOW, various methods and forms of work are used, taking into account the age perception of the children:

The experience of the best preschool educational institutions shows that the process of moral and patriotic formation is effective when using the means of patriotic education of preschool children: folk art, folklore, children's literature, music, games, etc.

Games for the patriotic education of preschoolers

One of the most important means of influencing the preschool child when forming moral and patriotic feelings is play. Along with folk folklore games that promote the development of physical, mental, intellectual abilities of children, educational games play a significant role in preschool institutions.

Didactical game "City Coat of Arms"

  1. Material: fragments of the city's coat of arms (there must necessarily be extra elements), a card depicting the city's coat of arms.
  2. The game: children from memory collect the arms of their native city, explaining what this or that element means. At the end, they verify the correctness of their performance with a sample card.

Didactic game "Journey through the city"

  • Material: photographs (postcards) depicting the sights of the city.
    1. i> The course of the game: the teacher shows the photos to the children, the children call what is depicted.

    Didactic game "Continue the Proverb"

    i> The course of the game: the teacher says the beginning of the proverb, the children - its continuation.

    Teachers and parents need to remember that the impressions and feelings received in childhood often remain decisive for a lifetime.

    In addition, the foundations for the legal and labor education of children are laid in kindergartens.