How to teach a child to read at 5 years old?

Preparing a baby for school is a very important and difficult period in life, both for the preschool child and for his parents. In the modern world, the requirements for children of this age are very large: they must have ideas about mathematics, speech, spelling and reading. How to teach a child to read at 5 years old, if he does not know how - in this issue will help to understand some of the techniques for the education and training of the carp. Having analyzed many of them, I want to note a number of factors that successfully influence the learning process of reading.

What should I look for?

Teaching children is always a very laborious process, requiring patience not only from teachers or parents, but also from the kids themselves. Everyone knows that learning something new is always more fun and interesting if it enthralls and creates all the conditions for harmonious learning. Therefore, if a child in 5 years does not know how to read and does not want to learn it, then there can be several reasons for this:

Having eliminated these reasons, you will help the kid to master this difficult skill quickly and prepare it for school.

How to teach a child to read 5 years?

The learning process can be divided into several stages, which will allow gradually to explain the child the reading scheme.

  1. Teach your child to pronounce sounds. Everyone knows that the pronunciation of certain letters differs from the pronunciation of their sounds. After learning the alphabet children have difficulties and they can not understand why the letter "M", in reading is pronounced neither as "em", but as "m". This is a very important point and only after its full awareness with a crumb it is possible to pass to syllables.
  2. Teach your child to "connect" letters. As noted by teachers, it is very difficult to teach a child to read at 5 years old independently. And this problem lies in the fact that the kid does not understand how to "connect" the letters. For this purpose, the game "Chase the letter" was invented. It consists in the fact that the crest is offered a syllable, for example, "mu", and utters: "m" catches up with "y". After that, it is clearly pronounced: "m-m-mu-mu-uu". Over time, the child will learn how to sing this way in a syllable, however, you should always make sure that this activity does not become a habit and the kid began to forget about the pauses between words and sentences.
  3. Teach your child to make syllables. Teach a child in 5 years to read the house will help as printed on a sheet of letters with syllables composed of them, and cubes with letters or a magnetic board with the alphabet. It is very important that the kid not only perceives the letters and syllables by ear, but also sees how they are written. Teach your child to compose syllables he heard from cubes, magnets, or simply pick up cards with pre-written combinations of letters.
  4. Begin to read simple words. That the kid was not so difficult, get a book in which simple words and phrases, depicted according to syllables, will be presented. And you need to start with syllables beginning with solid consonant letters: "N", "M", etc., then go deaf and hissing - "P", "H", etc., and only after that syllables, which begin with the vowels.
  5. Use bright, interesting books. After the child has mastered the technique of reading, invite him to read his favorite tales, poems or stories. And to make it more interesting, buy a new book for the child with his favorite work, but with big letters, words broken in syllables, and colorful pictures. Such a gift will "warm up" the interest in the book and help accustom the child both in 5 years and slightly older, read systematically.

To summarize, I want to note that the process of teaching a baby reading does not tolerate haste. Therefore, do not rush the child and make him try to read, if he does not understand, for example, how to "connect" sounds. It should be understood that the more interesting and "painless" for the baby to be trained, the faster he will master this skill and will please parents by reading a new book.