Buds ivy - medicinal properties

Buds ivy is a perennial plant of the labiate family, which has creeping roots and rooting shoots. In the recipes of traditional medicine use the grass, which is harvested during the flowering period.

Therapeutic properties and contraindications of the ivy buds

  1. The plant has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effects.
  2. Infusions and decoctions on its basis are used as a hemostatic, expectorant, diaphoretic and cholagogue. The plant helps to improve the digestive system and metabolism .
  3. With the help of ivy buds, treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, inflammation of the stomach or intestines and problems with the liver are carried out.
  4. Means prepared on the basis of a plant are used externally to heal wounds, ulcers, burns, and also with conjunctivitis and lacrimation.
  5. The healing properties of ivy buds are also used to make compresses with dislocations and fractures of bones, as well as purulent abscesses.
  6. It is recommended to take a bath with the infusion of this plant to restore strength after suffering complex diseases, and perhaps it is due to a toning effect.
  7. Freshly squeezed juice is used to fight migraine , for which it is buried in the nose.


In order to use the ivy buds only for the benefit, it is important to take into account existing contraindications. First of all, it is important to consider that the plant belongs to a group of poisonous, so it is important to use it as carefully as possible, without exceeding the dosage. The plant is forbidden for children under three years old and pregnant women. Refuse to use ivy buds stands for people with high blood coagulability, reduced secretion of gastric juice and kidney failure. You can not dismiss the possibility of having an individual intolerance.