How to draw a cat for children?

Since the day of their birth, babies have been developing intensively. By the year they make the first little steps, and try to draw to two. True, sometimes their works of art are found on wallpaper, which is very frustrating for parents. To avoid this, it is necessary to conduct joint activities with the child. If you teach your child drawing, he will not only be able to learn pencil or paint, but also develop fine motor skills, which means he will prepare a hand for writing to school. Perhaps, thanks to your efforts and attention, the future Vasnetsov will appear.

One of the most favorite objects of drawing in children are usually the faces of relatives and animals, especially domestic ones, for example, a cat. True, quite often the images of cats made by young painters are far from the original. And if you do not know how to teach a child to draw a cat, then our master classes will come to your rescue. And when you show the child how to do it, you will enjoy not only the joint pastime, but also a new skill.

How easy is it to draw a cat?

Drawing skills should be developed already from early childhood. It will be possible to depict an affectionate pet even a two-year-old child. After all, the scheme is quite simple and accessible. So, we draw a cat in stages:

  1. We put 2 points on the same level at a distance of about 1 cm from each other. Between them, but a little lower, put a small oval, paint over it. We have got eyes and a nose.
  2. Above the top points draw two triangles. These are ears.
  3. From one of the extreme lower points of the triangles we draw an oval, which ends at the extreme point of the neighboring triangle.
  4. We finish the mouth: the muzzle has turned out.
  5. Just below the cat's muzzle on the right, we represent four legs.
  6. We connect the pair of limbs with each other.
  7. We finish the body of the animal.
  8. It remains to depict the obligatory "attributes" of the cat - the tail and mustache.

Done! As you can see, everything is simple.

How beautiful to draw a cat?

If your child has mastered some drawing skills, offer him a more complex version of the image of a kitty. And it is better than two kittens.

  1. Draw two circles, one slightly below the other. Then we divide the circles by lines into two parts, the upper one being bigger.
  2. Now let's get down to how to draw a cat's face. Let's start with the right circle. We circle the shape of the head, but not with lines, but with strokes. Then draw the ears.
  3. We do the same with the left kitten. His head can be a little bigger and fluffy.
  4. On the line that divides the heads of the kittens, we draw the eyes symmetrically. Then we draw a nose, mouth and mustache. We put a few strokes on the ears.
  5. Now pets need a trunk and limbs. First, draw the front paws, outline the fingers, and then draw the finishing touches for drawing the cat's breast.
  6. We finish the hind paw.
  7. Also we arrive with another kitten. His paws can be located a little differently.
  8. We add fingers and fur on the chest.

Cute kittens are ready!

Concerning how to draw a cat with colored pencils, we can give some advice. Draw a sketch of a pet better with a simple pencil. It is easily washed and does not so dirty sheet of paper. When the main picture is ready, you can proceed to coloring. You can do this alone or assign such a responsible matter to the child by controlling the process. Use colored pencils, paints or markers, that is, those materials that the child is used to. When you are fully ready, be sure to praise the young artist, because he tried so hard! The cat can be placed in a beautiful frame and hung on the wall so that all guests can see what a talented child you have growing.