Lavender in a pot

Medicinal and decorative plant lavender is grown both in the open ground , and as a flower in the room. To live lavender in a pot grows well and blossoms, when it grows, it is necessary to observe certain conditions.

How to grow lavender at home in a pot?

To place a pot or container with a flower is necessary on the southern window, since lavender very fond of the sun. For the summer it is desirable to put it on the balcony or in the garden, while protecting from the wind.

With regard to planting, a grown-up plant, bought in a store, is usually planted in a pot of 1.5-2 liters in volume and up to 30 cm in diameter. With age, within the next 5 years, lavender will increase significantly in size, turning into a small bush. Therefore, in advance, think about whether you can allocate enough space for the plant. A pot for planting lavender should have large drainage holes and mandatory drainage. As a primer, it is recommended to use a mixture of sand and peat, you can add a little crushed eggshell.

As practice shows, it is best to sow lavender yourself in a pot with seeds. However, before the seed material must pass the stratification, so that the shoots were more amicable. To do this, the seeds should be laid with layers of moss, peat and sawdust and kept in the refrigerator or basement at an air temperature of +3 to +5 ° C. After stratification, which lasts 30-40 days, seeds can be planted on seedlings.

Watering young plants requires daily, but in small quantities. The soil is only slightly moistened, watering not only the soil itself in the pot, but also green shoots. Water should be used at room temperature, permanent and not rigid. In the heat, you can spray a flower or use a moisturizer.

Lavender top dressings are usually practiced weekly for the first 10 weeks after sowing. To do this, you need a solution of complex liquid fertilizers in the amount of 2 g per 1 liter of water.

In late spring - early summer, you can start to take the flower to fresh air, gradually tempering it. Over the summer, your lavender grows stronger and gets stronger, getting enough sunlight and heat, but in the winter in a pot you need to light it with fluorescent lights. The optimal length of a day for a plant is not less than 8-10 hours.