How to glue vinyl wallpaper?

Do you have repairs in your house, and you decided to decorate the walls with vinyl wallpaper? Before you begin, carefully study our advice.

How best to glue vinyl wallpaper?

Vinyl wallpaper - an excellent solution, they level small cracks in the walls, support lighting. When shrinkage is not peeled off.

But first you need to know what type of vinyl wallpaper there are.

Common advantages of these wallpapers are relatively high strength, resistance to sunlight, elasticity and moisture resistance. There are also disadvantages - vinyl does not allow the walls to "breathe", stretches when glued. But before you start the gluing, you need to prepare the walls.

First of all, the wall should be leveled, plastered in case of large cracks and irregularities. Then the walls must be covered with a primer of deep penetration and whitewash with water-based paint. Treat the walls with a special fungicidal solution that will prevent the formation of the fungus. Plastic and other smooth surfaces should be pre-sanded. To glue vinyl wallpaper on the walls you need special glue.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper? Of course, from the ceiling to the floor and buttock, otherwise you can not avoid disgusting convex bands.

How to glue a wide vinyl wallpaper?

Begin to glue the wallpaper from the window. On the wall draw a vertical line under the level, and the first sheet is glued, focusing on it. To glue the vinyl wallpaper, use a soft roller with medium fur. And to remove air bubbles and excess glue use a wallpaper brush, which is especially useful for embossed riffled wallpaper. The movements of the brush are directed from the center downwards and to the sides to the sides. And to not think how to glue heavy vinyl wallpaper, find an assistant - it will not be easy to handle alone with such a load. Remove excess wallpaper with a ruler and sharp sharpened knife.

The glue can get on the front side. Immediately remove it from the surface with a sponge or a damp cloth.

Do not start sticking on both sides of the doors, move in one direction and cut the canvas from below with the letter D. The next strip is glued to the second half of the opening, then the excess is removed. Wallpapering the window niches is similar to the previous procedure, only the wall under the window is added.

How to glue the corners with vinyl wallpaper?

At the corners, try not to bend the whole canvas. And also it is not necessary to combine two whole canvases at the junction of two walls. It is better to make an integral cut in two or three centimeters on the other side.

How to glue a relief vinyl wallpaper?

If you have chosen a wallpaper with a picture, consider the diagram of the picture and correctly adjust the stripes one to the other. The wallpaper is glued to the back, so when fitting, you need to be especially careful.

When cutting wallpaper with a displaced pattern, it is necessary to know that on each subsequent canvas the ornament is shifted by half. Easier when there is a direct docking. Here, to start combining the picture, and Only then cut the roll on the canvas.

How to glue foamed vinyl wallpaper?

Foamed vinyl wallpaper - a kind of relief wallpaper. The basis of foamed vinyl is paper. To glue these wallpapers it is necessary as well as other kinds. When sticking, avoid lime surfaces and whitewash. The disadvantage of foamed vinyl wallpaper is their low strength.

However, the procedure for pasting walls with vinyl wallpaper practically does not differ from the pasting of walls by another type of wallpaper. Quick and successful repair to you!