Coughing in a child, treatment of dry and wet cough in children.

Disorders of well-being in a baby are an excuse for parents. Coughing in a child is a reflex protection against the ingress of foreign agents into the respiratory tract, which may indicate a number of diseases. Mom wants to understand the issue in more detail in order to be able to help the baby.

Types of cough in children

Effective treatment can be prescribed when the cause that caused this symptom is correctly established. Cough occurs as the body's response to the ingress of allergens, microbes, dust into the respiratory tract. Anything that hinders breathing is output through the voice gap through reflex thrusts. Knowing how to determine the type of cough in a child, the mother promptly navigates in a situation. This helps the child to cope with the inconveniences caused by an unpleasant symptom.

Wet cough in the baby

It is characterized by the release of mucus to the outside, a large number of which is formed in the airways due to inflammatory processes. The symptom indicates:

Being a natural reaction of the body, the wet cough itself in the child is not dangerous. Some possible accompanying signs should be guarded, their appearance is a signal for an urgent call to the doctor:

Severe dry cough in the baby

It differs by obtrusiveness, excruciatingness, its attacks are exhausted. It occurs without the formation of sputum, because it is called unproductive. Depending on the duration, the dry cough is divided into:

An unproductive cough in a child may indicate a foreign object getting into the respiratory tract. For example, it could be a pea, a small detail from a toy or a designer, a piece of food. Parents should suspect this, if a healthy kid suddenly started to cough, the attack is accompanied by suffocation. It is necessary to release the respiratory tract of the crumb from the foreign object.

Dry cough accompanies viral diseases in the initial stage, influenza, parainfluenza, can indicate pertussis - a dangerous ailment of bacterial nature. The symptom sometimes reports an allergy. Air pollution, dustiness can cause such a reaction.

Allergic cough in a child

This is the name of the reaction of the bronchi to the ingestion of a substance of a protein nature that activates the immune system. The irritant may be:

Determine the substance on which the crumb develops a negative reaction can be as a result of the examination. It is useful for parents to know how to recognize an allergic cough in a child and distinguish it from ARVI symptoms:

  1. It starts suddenly, without sputum, or it is clear, in a small amount.
  2. The temperature is normal.
  3. To the child it is not enough air.
  4. Allergic cough in a child lasts a long time.
  5. When taking an antihistamine drug, there is a rapid improvement.

Strong barking cough in a child

The appearance of such a symptom should alert the adult. It can signal pathologies of a different nature, so for accurate diagnosis it is important to contact the doctor in a timely manner. Barking cough in a child with fever often becomes a manifestation of laryngitis, which is accompanied by a runny nose, stuffy nose, apathy, bad health.

If the situation is allowed to drift, then there is the possibility of developing a false croup. This is because children under the influence of viruses can easily develop laryngeal edema due to age characteristics. The result is a violation of breathing, asphyxiation. A barking cough in a child, accompanied by a fever, is a symptom of other ailments, such as diphtheria, influenza. These conditions are also fraught with complications.

A dry barking cough in a child without a temperature occurs when:

Cough in adenoids in children

Frequent and prolonged SARS can provoke the growth of tonsils in the nasopharynx. Experts call this phenomenon adenoids. They can be indicated by a cough at night in a child. When the baby is in a horizontal position, the mucus drips down the back wall of the nasopharynx. This provokes irritation of the nerve endings that are in it. Such a cough from the snot in the child signals the transition of the disease in the 2, 3 stage. The treatment should deal with ENT, he will determine the method depending on the course of the disease.

Cough in the morning with a child

Sometimes the symptom is manifested only after awakening. If the mother notices single rare coughs every day at the outwardly healthy and active kid, then this physiological normal phenomenon. During a night's sleep, there is a buildup of mucus in the larynx. Morning cough in a child allows the body to naturally cleanse itself of it.

About what is happening is to inform the observing pediatrician that he objectively assess the condition. Sometimes it may be necessary to consult related specialists in order to exclude the possibility of ailment:

  1. Allergy (to dust, as a reaction to the filler in the pillow), bronchial asthma.
  2. Reflux esophagitis - a disorder in which the contents of the stomach are thrown into the pharynx through the esophagus, its symptom may be a cough after sleeping in a child.
  3. Pneumonia and other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract in weakened children are able to flow without additional symptoms.

Treatment of cough in children

During the illness of the child responsible parents try to make maximum efforts to help recovery. The appointment of quality therapy is impossible without an accurate diagnosis, so one can not neglect the advice of an experienced specialist. Those mothers who buy drugs based on reviews on the Internet, make a mistake that can aggravate the situation. To understand how to treat a severe cough in a child, you need to determine its nature. Depending on this, you need to select medicines.

How to treat a cough in a child?

Having assessed the state of health, having understood the reasons for such a reaction of the organism, the doctor will select the necessary medicines:

  1. Treatment of dry cough in children. Assign such funds:
  • Treatment of wet cough in children. It requires the appointment of expectorants, which will help to sputum. To this group of medicines are Prospan, Gedelix, Herbion syrup with plantain.
  • Allergic cough in children treated with antihistamines (Suprastin, Zirtek, Cetrin). The main task is to limit contact with the suspected allergen.
  • Treatment of barking cough. Drugs differ depending on the disease. In whooping cough - antibiotics (erythromycin) and antitussive drugs. With allergies to stop barking cough in children, treatment requires the appointment of antihistamines. With laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, first give mucolytics, after a few days they replace them with expectorants, they recommend inhalation.
  • Cough in adenoids in children, whose treatment should be frequent walks, are plentiful in drinking, rinsing the throat and washing the nose with saline. The doctor recommends vasoconstrictive drops (Nazivin, Meralis) and antibacterial agents (Isofra, Polidexa). In advanced cases, antitussive drugs are needed. Inhalation with saline is helpful. For children from 2 years old doctors prescribe Nazonex spray, which has an anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory effect, relieves swelling.
  • Treatment of cough in children with folk remedies

    Many people use medicines prepared at home. All traditional methods of cough treatment in a child require discussion with a specialist. The doctor should evaluate their safety and practicability in a specific case:

    1. Within 5 minutes. in milk boil onions, insist, filter, give the baby several times a day, the duration of treatment 2-4 days.
    2. Milk with pine buds bring to a boil. To insist, strain and give the baby to 50 g., In 2-3 days there will come relief and the procedure is stopped.
    3. Carrot juice is mixed with milk in equal parts and given to the child on a spoon 6 times a day (3-4 days).

    Do not pass a cough in the child - what to do?

    It happens that prolonged treatment does not help, because if the mother sees that the problem is not solved, you need to go through the examination again at the pediatrician. Prolonged cough in a child is able to indicate bronchial asthma or health problems that are not associated with the respiratory system. It is better not to disregard the pediatrician's recommendations if he insists on referral to other specialists.

    Is it possible to walk with a child when coughing?

    Fresh air contributes to the sputum, speeding up recovery. If the baby in the street started to cough, do not need to sound an alarm. At home the mucus in the bronchi subsided, and in the fresh air it softens and departs more efficiently. Parents are concerned about whether you can walk when you cough your child in the winter. If the crumb does not have a temperature, there is no wind on the street, and on a thermometer higher than -5 ° C, then the event will do good. Walking should be without active games. Residual cough in a child can last for weeks. Its presence is not an excuse to refuse to walk.

    Can I bathe my baby when I cough?

    At the beginning of the disease with poor health, water procedures are not recommended. If you need to remove dirt, then you can use wet napkins. A few days after the improvement of the general condition, rinsing under the shower is allowed. You can bathe the child when coughing without temperature, but you should avoid draft and the procedure should not be long.