How to harvest mushrooms?

As is known, in terms of their nutritional qualities, fungi can largely replace meat. To please your home with dishes from mushrooms , you need to collect them correctly. Consider a few rules about where and how to collect mushrooms.

How to collect mushrooms in the forest: tips for beginning mushroom pickers

Let's start with the fact that your first trips to the forest should be done only with an experienced mushroom picker. To know the theory is not enough, it is necessary to repeat everything on the spot, and it can be done only under the supervision of a professional.

  1. Properly collect mushrooms in the early morning, because at this time they still do not have time to lose all the moisture and retain most of the nutrients. If for you earlier the morning is about 10 hours, then you definitely are not a mushroom picker. The best time to gather is 6-7 in the morning.
  2. Do you remember the popular comparison "like mushrooms after the rain"? It is after a small warm rainy evening you can harvest a good harvest. After a drought, you do not need to collect mushrooms at all, since they lose most of the moisture and instead of good you will get a large dose of toxins. What does this even concern noble breeds.
  3. To collect a plentiful harvest, you need to know the "right" places. For example, breeds with wide hats like space, because most often they can be found on glades, mowing with low grass and along the paths. Many mushrooms can be collected under trees from the north side. Each type of fungus has a soviet "favorite" tree. Podisynoviki love to grow near the aspen, near the birch you will find many podborozovikov, butter mushrooms like to dwell under the pine.
  4. It is very important to know how to cut mushrooms properly. Never kick or shovel even the most poisonous species. Remember that in nature everything is thought out and you have no right to establish your own order there. Do not tear the moss or break the mushroom leg. Thus, you will destroy the mycelium and the harvest in this place will not be the next two years. As for the question of how to properly cut mushrooms, the opinions of specialists differ.
  5. Some prefer to use a knife , others just twist the leg.
  6. Collecting mushrooms in the forest is necessary in the basket, since they need air circulation. Before you put the mushroom in the basket, it must be cleared from the ground and removed from the cap by slimy skin.
  7. Now a couple of words on how to properly harvest mushrooms, so that they are preserved to their final destination. Take for yourself the rule of laying down on the bottom of the basket all solid and large species, and fragile and soft lay only on top. You can store the crop on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for no more than three days.