Money Tree Tolstianka - Therapeutic Properties

Once a money tree was a curiosity, today it can be found on every window sill. The name of this plant speaks for itself. Many people are sure that the fat woman is able to raise money in the house. Whether this is really the power of the plant or not, is unknown. But the therapeutic properties of the tree can be said with absolute certainty.

Therapeutic properties of fatigue

The majority of owners of this wonderful flower do not even suspect that the fat-skin is a curative plant. In fact, the composition of the money tree contains a huge amount of useful trace elements and volatile substances. Due to this, the flower can be used as an antiviral and antibacterial preparation.

By the number of medicinal properties, the fatty woman can compete with aloe. In addition, that the money tree, being in the room, purifies the air, its leaves can be used to treat various diseases:

  1. The juice of the money tree anesthetizes the wounds and promotes their healing.
  2. Due to its medicinal properties, a money tree or a fat woman can be used to treat insect bites. Even a small droplet of juice instantly relieves itching and prevents the appearance of swelling.
  3. The plant can be used to treat throat and cough diseases.
  4. Leaves of fatty are better than any antiviral drugs that fight with herpes.
  5. In people, the money tree is called a "corn picker" for the fact that the leaves contribute to the removal of calluses and corns .

Practical application of medicinal properties of live tree fatty

Mostly it is used externally. In some cases it is allowed to chew a mint tree sheet. But you need to be very cautious: even though the fat girl has useful properties, her composition contains arsenic. It is a poisonous substance that can cause poisoning.

To cure an inflammation of the throat, sore throat or cough, you need to rinse:

  1. The juice of the ten leaves of the money tree is mixed with water.
  2. Gargle with such a means you need three times a day.

To a wound, a burn or any other injuries rather healed, you can make a compress from the leaves of a fat woman. Kashitsa is kept on a sore spot with a bandage.

To combat herpes, you need a fresh leaf of the tree to attach to the newly formed wound. Preliminary sheet needs to be washed and cleaned from the film.

A fat woman has a lot of useful properties and almost no contraindications. That is, you can use the plant for everyone. Be careful only to allergic people and people with individual intolerance of the components of the tree.