How to make a chandelier with your own hands?

Original lamps and chandeliers are not just spectacular decor and part of the interior composition. Among other things, they are able to create an atmosphere and mood in the design of the home, as the texture and color of the lampshades affect the nature of the lighting. Unfortunately, chandeliers that can be bought in stores are either of the same type, or very expensive. Therefore, it is worth considering what to do with original chandeliers. To do this, you need a little - in fact, a minimum of effort and maximum imagination.


For starters, it is worthwhile to think about what the fastening and the basis for hand-made chandelier will serve. Here you will come by the way:

The choice of materials for the design of hand-made chandeliers is almost unlimited - it can be fabric (different in texture, color, transparency), laces, knitted napkins, beads and bugles, papyrus, rice paper, cardboard with an openwork pattern and much more.

Chandelier from fabric with own hands

In order to make the simplest fabric chandelier, you, in the first place, will require a rigid frame. Use the already mentioned metal hoops or make a preform of the desired shape from a thick wire. Then you need to cut out the fabric for the shade (the width of the cut must match the diameter of the frame, the length - at your discretion). After that, bend the upper edge of the fabric, smooth it, sew so that there remains a space in which it will be possible to pass the frame (if the whole frame is sewn directly on it). Then open the side seam.

Also consider - if the fabric for the lampshade is light and thin, then the lower edge will be no longer weighty, otherwise the chandelier will not keep the shape. For this purpose, a wire frame is suitable, you can glue cardboard edges from the inside or sew a fabric with a fishing line.

In addition, the lower edge of the fabric chandelier can be decorated with loose or ironed frills, fringe, lace from the lace, braid, including - from the sequins. By the principle of fabric chandeliers, you can also make chandeliers of lace or mesh.

Chandelier of beads by own hands

Such a decor is very simple to make - it is based on a rigid frame-hoop, on which a fishing line is attached with beads strung on it (identical or disagreeable - it all depends on preferences). You can use one hoop and one row of beads, you can create a complex multi-level design of hoops of different diameters. Threads with beads can freely hang or fasten between two hoops. By the way, if you use transparent faceted beads for such chandeliers, you can create an imitation of a crystal chandelier.

Chandelier with butterflies

Instead of beads, you can decorate a chandelier with butterflies - cut out of cardboard or three-dimensional feather. The more figures you use, the better. But there is another version of the chandelier with moths - it, among other things, will cast off fantasy shadows on the walls. To do this, you need to make a lampshade from a thick cardboard on a rigid frame - and cut through the silhouettes of butterflies on cardboard.

Unusual chandeliers with their own hands - master class

Beautiful and fantasy chandeliers can be made with a simple balloon and thread. How? Now we'll figure it out.

  1. Choose a ball of dense and elastic rubber.
  2. Draw two circles on the opposite sides, large and small, noting where your chandelier will have holes.
  3. Cover the ball with Vaseline, then with a thick layer of PVA glue.
  4. On the glue wind several layers of thread the right color - it's better to use cotton, the ones that are used for crocheting.
  5. Cover the threads with several more layers of glue.
  6. Wait until the glue is completely solid, blow off the ball.

Instead of threads, the ball can be sealed with scraps of newspapers and magazines, colorful paper, thin tissue cuttings, thin knitted napkins. For decoration you can use beads, patches, beads, large flowers and butterflies.