Signs of a dead pregnancy in the early stages - how to respond to dangerous symptoms?

It is important for a future mother to carefully examine the signs of a dead pregnancy early in order to seek medical help on time. With such a pathology, women of different ages meet. The older the pregnant, the greater the risk of anembrion. According to statistics, an average of 15% of deaths occur in the embryo.

Why does the fetus die in the early stages of pregnancy?

This pathology does not arise without cause. It is provoked by certain factors. There are assumptions that a premature pregnancy at an early age, the reasons for which should be determined to prevent this in the future, may arise in such cases:

  1. Genetic mutations are the most common factor. This pathology appears before the 8th week of gestation. More often it is incompatible with later life.
  2. Hormonal disorders. These include a shortage of progesterone and an increase in the level of androgens - male hormones.
  3. Infections. During the period of gestation, the organism of the future mother is highly susceptible to viruses. The fetal bladder and placenta protect the embryo. However, with an exacerbation of infections, this "armor" does not help. In addition, at a high temperature, accompanying infectious diseases, delivery of oxygen to the fetus worsens.
  4. Problems with blood coagulability. The fetal egg can not gain a foothold on the inside of the uterus. In addition, this pathology provokes blockage of blood vessels, as a result, the embryo does not deliver the right amount of valuable substances, and it ceases to develop.
  5. Unbalanced diet and unhealthy lifestyle. Here you can include a poor diet for vitamins, excessive stress, a constant stay at the computer or TV, irregular walks and so on.

How to determine a dead pregnancy in the early stages?

The death of the embryo at the initial stage can be asymptomatic. However, there are still a number of signs that eloquently testify to a woman about the problem that has arisen. It is important for her to know how a pregnant pregnancy manifests itself in the early stages. This will help to prevent serious consequences for the health of the mother. Neglect such symptoms is unreasonable and even dangerous.

The first signs of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages

There are a number of symptoms, the manifestation of which should make a woman prick up her ears. In how to recognize a frozen pregnancy in the early term, the body itself will tell. Particular attention to the future mother should be given to such symptoms:

  1. Sudden disappearance of a toxicosis. If the early gestosis drastically and unreasonably walks, the time to sound the alarm.
  2. Softening of the breasts. After conception, women notice that the mammary glands have increased and become painful. For the entire period of bearing, the crumbs of the breasts can relax and pour. In this alternation, there is nothing unnatural, because it is associated with hormonal "leaps" in the body. However, if in the 1st trimester of pregnancy the mammary glands relax, this may be a sign of fading of the fetus. There are other "provocateurs" softening breasts. For this reason, it is not necessary to panic when this sign is displayed.

Isolations with a dead pregnancy in the early stages

If the body did not immediately get rid of the deceased fetal egg, its rejection will occur gradually. Frozen pregnancy in the early term, the symptoms will show in the form of vaginal discharge. Consistency of the secret and its shade directly depends on how much time has passed since the fetal death. Signs of a frozen pregnancy in early terms are as follows:

  1. The first 2 days after the death of the embryo the consistency of the secret is normal. They have a whitish color.
  2. Beginning on the 3rd and the 6th day, the fetal egg gradually begins to flake off the walls of the uterus. As a result, bloody veins appear in the secretions.
  3. 12-14 days after the embryo's death, the secret becomes brownish-reddish.

Most often, pregnant women turn to the gynecologist, when they notice red discharge - signs of fading of the fetus. This process is irreversible, and it is already impossible to fix something. However, bloody discharge does not always serve as evidence that the embryo development has stopped. They can signal and about other pathology proceeding in an organism of the woman.

Sensations with a dead pregnancy in the early stages

At the initial stage, the woman feels, as before. However, as the decomposition begins, the signs of fetal fading in the early stages of pregnancy increase. Along with the disappearance of toxicosis and softening of the mammary glands there are severe headaches. In addition, the pregnant woman is overcome by weakness and lack of energy. A month after the death of the embryo, severe pains of cramping character appear in the lower abdomen.

BT with a dead pregnancy in the early stages

Some women even after fertilization continue to control basal temperature . With a normal course of gestation, the thermometer should show 37 ° C. However, the temperature in the deadened pregnancy in the early term decreases. This symptom before the others signals the death of the fetus. It appears as follows:

Frozen pregnancy - diagnosis

Refer to a woman's doctor with complaints of drawing pains or spotting. The doctor conducts a thorough examination, allowing him to identify the fading of the fetus in the early stages. In the course of it, the doctor compares the size of the uterus in a pregnant woman with what it should be at this gestational age. In addition, the doctor appoints additional studies: ultrasound and the delivery of analyzes for hCG. According to the results he will either confirm the death of the fetus, or refute it.

HCG with an early pregnancy

This hormone is produced intensively after attaching the fetal egg to the uterine cavity. To determine its indicator, blood is given in the morning on an empty stomach or in the daytime (4-5 hours before that, there is nothing to eat). With normal development of the embryo, the level of the hormone in the blood increases daily. However, hCG in the deadened pregnancy decreases. If the fetus is lost, this is reflected in the following way on the hormone indices:

In some cases, hCG may even increase, but its rate still remains below the norm. Gynecologists believe that the "behavior" of this hormone is not yet a confirmation of anembrion. Signs of a dead pregnancy in the early stages should be taken into account in the complex. For this reason, disruption of hCG growth is only one of the symptoms. To obtain a reliable picture, the doctor will prescribe other diagnostic procedures.

Ultrasonography of a stunted pregnancy in the early stages

This procedure gives reliable results in determining anembrionia. If a pregnancy is supposed to be stopped, ultrasound will show the following results:

  1. The size of the fetal egg does not correspond to the norm (much less).
  2. The heartbeat of the fetus is not "visible" (after the 5th week of gestation, it must be clearly defined).
  3. Dimensions of the embryo are smaller than they should be at this time of pregnancy.
  4. After the 4th week of gestation, deformation of the fetal egg serves as a sign of anembrion.

Frozen pregnancy - what to do?

If the doctor's assumptions about the death of the embryo are confirmed, he develops a further plan of action. Removal of the fetal egg from the woman's body can be carried out as follows:

Often frozen ectopic pregnancy in the early term is "interrupted" by scraping. This mini-operation is performed under anesthesia. Scraping allows you to remove the fully fetal egg. However, this procedure has contraindications. Scraping is prohibited:

Recovery after a dead pregnancy in the early stages

The rehabilitation period after curettage can last several weeks. It is important for a woman to follow the doctor's recommendations without fail:

  1. It is necessary to take antibacterial drugs.
  2. After curettage, you must observe bed rest. Physical exertion can cause bleeding.
  3. Since in the first 2 weeks after a mini-operation there can be intensive discharge, you need to use gaskets. The use of tampons during this period is prohibited!
  4. It is necessary to abstain from sex for at least 2 weeks.
  5. If the frozen pregnancy is "interrupted" in the early period, strong pains remain in the lower abdomen. They do not need to be heroically endured, you can drink anesthetic.
  6. It is necessary to take care of reliable contraception. The subsequent pregnancy should be planned at least 6 months later. By that time, the woman's body must recover.

Frozen pregnancy in the early term - the consequences

If the death of the embryo is detected in time, it is possible to avoid complications for the woman's health. Otherwise, even possible sepsis. The risk that pregnancy after a stiff pregnancy will be associated with the same problems is still preserved:

  1. If anembrionia in a woman first appeared, the probability of recurrence is up to 25%.
  2. After the 2nd pathological pregnancy, the risk that the problem will recur is about 35%. For this reason, the expectant mother should closely monitor the signs of a dead pregnancy in the early stages.
  3. If anembryonia occurs the third time, the chance of embryo death increases to 40%.

How to avoid a frozen pregnancy in the early stages?

You can warn anembrion. First you need to understand why pregnancy stops at an early age. Also, prospective parents should undergo a full examination before conception. A woman needs to give a smear to the vaginal flora, to make an analysis for the presence of TORCH-infections. The threat of fetal fading will be minimized if the predilections are abandoned in advance. To tolerate a healthy baby will help folic acid. Signs of frozen pregnancy in late or early terms are inextricably linked with the nutrition of women (it should be healthy).