Rudbeckia annual - growing from seeds

Rudbeckia is considered one of the most unpretentious in the care of plants, which is why it is often planted. In addition, this flower is chosen by gardeners because it happens to be of different colors, forms and even lifetimes. Therefore, each of them can find a suitable option for himself.

In this article I will tell you about the peculiarities of planting and caring for the rudbeckie , as an annual flower.

Rudbeckia is an annual one - growing and caring

Unlike the perennial species, the cultivation of annual rudbeckia is carried out only from seeds. This can be done with the help of seedlings, or by sowing them directly into the open ground.

Seedling Method

In this case, the crop is carried out in early April. Use for this can be a large shallow capacity, small peat cups or a greenhouse. A prerequisite for successful germination is that the ground must be heated no less than + 16 ° C. If necessary, you can pour the landing site with hot water.

Seeds are pressed into the soil very shallow (3 mm). You can simply sprinkle them on the surface of the soil and sprinkle them lightly. After the end of the planting instead of watering, they should be sprinkled with water. Since the seedlings of rudbeckia are very sensitive to frost, it should be placed in the room, covered with glass or with plastic wrap.

Sprouts will appear in 10-14 days. Further, before landing on a permanent place, they should be in the sun and well watered. Two weeks before the transplant, it is necessary to begin hardening with fresh air, increasing the time spent on the street a little each day.

On the site seedlings of rudbeckia can be planted only at the end of May. To prevent the plants from interfering with each other, about 50 cm should be left between the low bushes, and high up to 1 m. This distance should be with other colors.

With this variant of planting bloom, rudbeckia will be from the middle of summer to October.

Landing directly in the ground

It is carried out in July, in order to get an early flowering for the next year. Sow seeds in the same way as for seedlings, only at a greater distance. Care for them will consist of spraying, combating weeds and thinning sprouts.

To place Rudbeckia should choose a sunny place, then it will be better to blossom. High grades of rudbeck look good along fences and economic buildings, and undersized ones like the edging of paths or flower beds.