Fashion history

Throughout the history of human civilization, perhaps, no other component reflected so colorfully the characteristics of the era, as the history of fashion. And if at the dawn of the emergence of mankind clothing had a purely practical purpose, then quite soon a traditional aesthetic component is added to the traditional protective function. The history of the appearance of fashion for Western civilization can be attributed to the Roman era. Romans not only continue the ancient Egyptian tradition to devote different colors to different deities, but also bring a color cast to the color palette - noble purple, for example, could only be worn by patricians. The first example of the dress code was also the Roman toga - the Senate, the court and the stadium the Romans could only appear in the toga. The toga was made of wool or flax. To create more sophisticated fabrics, silk and even gold threads were used.

After the majestic Rome, the costumes of the early Middle Ages look simple and even poor. In the first place again goes the functionality. Men's and women's outfits have a predominantly long shirt. Dyes are used infrequently. Clothes are made from linen, hemp and even nettles (remember the story of Andersen!) The situation is radically changed by the crusades. It is the XI-XII century, most researchers associated with the history of the emergence of fashion, consider the beginning of its formation.

Fashion of the Middle Ages and Renaissance

Crusades dramatically change the European society. It is from these times that the history of women's fashion and women's costume originates. The cult of the beautiful lady introduces the neckline, fitted dresses, the sleeves dropping down to the floor - the most feminine image sharply dissociates from the brutal man's. Soon in the medieval fashion there is another trend that has been delayed for several centuries. "Uncomfortable fashion" - cone-shaped headgear, reaching the highest nobility of a meter long, curled socks of shoes, which had to tie, incredibly long trains - it was all intended to emphasize the status of the nobility and its exclusivity.

The Renaissance epoch brings its contribution to the history of fashion and style. Jeanne of Portugal, in order to conceal the extramarital pregnancy, introduces skirt skeletons (at the peak of their heyday they reach 7 meters in diameter). Another fashionable element is the cuts on the sleeves of the upper dress, through which the lower shirt is visible - is adopted in both women's and men's suits. But you can not do without fashionable curiosities - what are the Spanish pants-buffs, short and round, stuffed from inside the pakley, or huge wigs of the times of Louis XIV in which, besides jewelry, it was often possible to find insects and even mice.

Fashion of modern times

Colossal changes in the history of fashion development brought the era of bourgeois revolutions. Members of the Jacobin club gave a ticket to the life of men's trousers, the times of Napoleon returned to fashion antiquity, and in 1880 appeared a female corset. The XIX century was marked by the appearance of a jacket and unusually high rates of change of fashionable trends. For example, the history of the hat fashion recorded a change in one season 30 (!) Fashion models. Chapts, hoods, berets, turbans, hats "Bibi" - XIX century not only affects the variety of female models, but also a wide range of male headdresses: from a respectable cylinder to the cowboy hat that appeared in 1865. The twentieth century is creating a real breakthrough in the history of world fashion. Tango and Charleston significantly cut the length and volume of dresses, coquettish hats-tulips are located on short-cropped hair. And in 1926 Coco Chanel introduces to the world a small black dress that laid the foundation for the history of modern fashion.