How to manipulate men?

That's the question! I like that! Cold-blooded and to the point. Well, let's understand between us, women, how they can be manipulated - with men on such a topic like how to talk and do not.

About how women manipulate men, wrote all the classics of the world - and, for the most part, men. What does this tell us, women? The fact that a man is not at all against becoming a white rabbit in the hands of a woman, whom she pulls out of her silk cylinder at the right time. The whole secret is to be able to create a rabbit impression that he jumps out of this cylinder himself - and only when he wants.

Where to start and how to get started? Manipulate a man you can only if he, this man, you completely trust. Assess your patience and strength of mind, and figure out if you can achieve this. Here are the basic steps that you can not do without:

In parallel, study a man and try to determine which keys you should press when playing with him, and which ones should not be touched at all. By the way, this does not mean that you will always have to be a hand-purring pussy. Strangely enough, but manipulating some men is much easier, playing the role of a wild lynx. I knew a man with whom a woman could achieve anything, simply by stopping with him, in punishment for something, to talk. How he confessed to me: "Anything, anything - just do not silence! My mother stopped talking to me when she was young when she punished me. Since then, I can not bear silence. "

But let's move on.

How to learn to manipulate a man?

The key words in this question are how to learn? Manipulating men, really, one must learn - just as you learn to cook a souffle or ride a bicycle. Do not feel defective and failed! Yes, there are women who do not even think about how to properly manipulate a man. They do it in a flash, because they just have a similar talent from birth. But there are very few such women, believe me.

Read what my friend, a psychiatrist, once told me: "A swarm of men always circled around my mother, she attracted them instantly, wherever she turned out to be. Mom was not a beautiful woman at all, so I could not understand how she managed to manipulate these men with such ease. But one day, when we had guests, I happened to see her talking to one of the guests. Around them was full of people, but she listened to him so attentively, and looked at him with such admiration, as if he were the only man in the rest of the world . "

He told me how he teaches his patients to manipulate men using his mom's method in the next exercise. Entering the elevator with a man, the patient for 2-3 minutes was to look or phrase to be interested in this man to such an extent that he left after her, wanting to continue acquaintance.

Exercise! Under one condition: take it easy, as a game in the theater - then you will learn to manipulate the men discreetly for yourself.

I'll tell you something else. Men love it when they ask their advice. Try to enter the following phrase in the list of your master keys: "How do you think (in your opinion), it is better to do this? I do not understand anything about that! "If his answer does not even closely resemble what you wanted to hear, take a breath with the words:" What a pity! And I thought that you can do it like this ... "In response, the phrase:" It is possible and so! "(Under the condition, of course, that you do not ask him to blind in the kitchen window sill of a snowman in July) will answer.

Above we uttered the word "theater". The theater assumes a game - and, therefore, a pretense. Here is another key. No matter how you turn, but only those women who instinctively follow Talleyrand's words can manipulate men: "Language is given to a person so that he can hide his thoughts." Virtually never in serious conversations should not rely on an involuntary course of conversation. If you want to tell a man (whether it's a husband or an outsider man) something important - think through your monologue in advance. And do not just think about it - re-train it. With that intonation, with that construction of phrases and facial expression, which will help you achieve from him what you want.

How to manipulate her husband?

If the husband is a man? Just like you will manipulate any other men. Simply in the case of the husband, it is much easier, because you have the opportunity to dissect and study around the clock.

What? Do I hear angry voices? How?! Manipulate with deception ?! My husband and I love each other! No, I can not do without the help of my always-useful wand-rod. Pull down, righteous wife! And read what Balzac answers to you: "The most sincere love lies ten times a day."