Compatibility of names in marriage

Compatibility of names in marriage and relationships is easy to verify with the help of numerology. Behind each letter the numerical value is fixed, and if the sum of the numbers of the name of one person is compared with the sum of the other, you can find out how successful the union will be.

Partner Compatibility by Name: Calculation Method

Referring to the table (see the picture), to calculate compatibility, find out the meaning of the name in figures. To calculate the number of a name, write out all the values ​​of the letters and add them, and add the two-digit number to each other to get a single-digit result number. For example:


1 6 5 9 6 2 3 7 9 4 7 3

Add all the numbers, get 62, add the parts of the number 6 + 2 = 8. This is the number of combinability. It is also necessary to calculate the name of the second partner in order to find compatibility.

If you add only the number of vowels in the name and surname, you can get the number of emotionality, and also match it with the number of the partner.

Numerology: compatibility by name

Consider how successful the union will be, based on a comparison of the compatibility numbers:

Having learned the compatibility of the secret name, do not assume that this is the only possible and mandatory scenario. Names only indicate potential difficulties and opportunities, and you can, knowing them, change your destiny.