Diet on calories

Currently, experts agree on the fact that it is the diet based on calorie counting that will be the most correct and harmonious, and therefore effective in the long term. Many experts, for example Elena Malysheva, use a diet with calorie counting in their weight loss systems.

Diet by calories: total

Calories are units that show how much energy one or another food gives us. If the body receives more calories than it needs, the energy stores the energy, transforming it into fat cells and locating somewhere on the waist or in another problem zone. If the calories are underfed, it breaks down fat reserves and extracts energy from them. That is why all diets with a calorie count are always 100% effective, if, of course, they are used correctly.

Different diets for calories in the menu plan can differ quite strongly, because such a method of nutrition allows you to include anything you want - just not to exceed the necessary daily caloric content, and preferably - the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Diet "count calories" - how much do you need?

The very first and most important thing is to determine how much energy you spend to decide for yourself how many calories you can eat.

The easiest way to determine this is to find an analyzer of body parameters and calories on the Internet. They are all in the public domain. You need to enter your gender, height, type of vital activity and the desired weight - and the program itself will calculate how many calories per day you need to consume. The resulting number is the upper limit. Take 200-300 calories from it and you will know how many units you need to consume to lose weight at a fairly fast pace.

Usually girls who want to weigh about 50 kg a day need to eat no more than 1200 calories, and for those who want to weigh 60 kg - about 1400-1500 calories.

Diet Calories: The Essence

Ideally, such a diet assumes that you will have an electronic diary, where you will either write down what you ate and stop when your daily calorie limit is exhausted, or plan ahead in the diary of the nutrition plan for the next day and follow it.

Why is it convenient to use an electronic diary? Many sites provide a free service where you can simply enter products and grams, and the system itself translates it into calories and gives a ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In addition, you can simply calculate a few typical dishes or a diet for a few ordinary days and thus avoid the need to record every piece of food.

Diet by the number of calories: what to eat?

The diet for calories is universal, but experts are still arguing about what should be its menu. If you do not have any special contraindications, you probably will be well suited to a diet based on the principles of proper nutrition. We offer a menu that illustrates how a ration with caloric content of 1000 - 1200 calories can be used, which is optimal for rapid weight loss (0.8 - 1.5 kg per week):

It is important to adhere to the elementary rules: do not skip breakfast, do not drink after eating for an hour, have dinner no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. In this case, the sizes of portions should be small: for example, the whole dinner should fit on a regular salad plate. A calorie diet does not require special recipes, you can eat anything, if only it were within your limits.