Affirmations for pregnant women

The happiness of motherhood is incomparable. No matter how hard and troublesome, children are joy. The woman realizes herself to the full extent next to the children, taking care and guarding them.

Children are already born with a character. Therefore, it is very important to remain calm and clear during pregnancy. No less important is a positive attitude and faith only in good. Let's talk about affirmations for pregnant women today.


What happiness do future parents experience when they do not have problems with conceiving a child. And what to do then, when numerous attempts, alas, end in one strip? The most important thing is not to lose hope.

Preparation for pregnancy should begin before conception. In about 6 months, the following should be done:

  1. Refuse bad habits . Smoking, alcohol, and especially beer, have a very detrimental effect on the health of the child and your future pregnancy.
  2. Take a survey. To pass analyzes on possible sexual infections as to you, and to the husband.
  3. Start taking vitamins. If before planning a child you did not use any vitamin complexes , then it's time to start doing it. Look for natural biological active substances. What is sold in pharmacies, in most cases, synthetic drugs. They are assimilated only by 20%. They do more harm than good. Examine the BAD market. Quality vitamins are expensive, but the value and price are different concepts.
  4. To think positively. Take the rule of being an optimist. Look at everything positively, look for the good and do not be sad over trifles.

To adjust to a healthy way will help affirmations for conception:

It is important to pronounce such words several times a day for a month. Formulate only in the present tense. As if everything works out for you, what you wanted so much is happening.


Affirmations in order to become pregnant will be useful. Of course, you should not stop "working" in this direction. As soon as the test gives a positive result, your guesses will be confirmed, go to affirmations for the family.

Maybe you dream of a double, it's fine. If twins are born on your line and husband's line, then you have chances. Want to specifically boy or girl psychologists do not advise. First, expectations are not always justified. Secondly, it negatively affects the fetus. You, for example, wait for the girl, and you will have a boy. If you believe what they say, the child can "take offense."

It does not matter who you are born with. The main thing is that your blood and flesh. More importantly, to be born healthy.

Affirmations per family can have the following wording:

There is nothing more pleasant for a woman than caring for a beloved wife and children. Sometimes it is not easy, no one is immune from nervous breakdowns. It's not always easy to be happy. There are times when it's impossible to restrain tears. If you manage to find the strength, in such a situation, repeat the following:

We must be able to help ourselves out of difficult situations. It all starts in our head. It is in the minds of the problems that arise, where the path to healing begins.