Restoration of vision by the method of Bates

Deterioration of vision is a scourge of modernity. Computers, televisions and all other modern gadgets improve the eyes certainly do not contribute. One in three office workers is working in glasses, and every second visitor to the supermarket blinks, considering the price tag on the goods. And the worst thing is that for many this problem is serious and does not seem at all, which means that there is no reason to apply to the doctor.

Non-drug treatment of astigmatism and myopia according to the Bates method

The fact that modern medicine is an expensive treat, you will not surprise anyone. Because of this, many patients are trying to find some alternative methods of treatment: effective, but at the same time budgetary. So, people suffering from problems with the eyes, went to a unique technique - the restoration of vision by the method of Bates.

Bates is an American ophthalmologist who created his own innovative vision restoration program. The treatment was non-drug and contradicted the existing medical principles, so no doctor seriously agreed to take it seriously. But here are people who suffer from vision problems, in the Bates method see a real chance of recovery.

Basic principles of eye treatment according to the Bates method

William Bates is confident that vision deteriorates because of psychological disorders. After mental overstrain, physical discomfort occurs, which is why vision deteriorates. That is why Bates' vision treatment is mainly based on relaxation.

The first and most important condition is to refuse glasses. Under the lenses, the eye muscles tense constantly, and therefore one can forget about improving the vision in them. The second mandatory condition is the diligent performance of special exercises. They are very simple, but they act on "hurray".

Exercises to improve eyesight by the method of Bates

The complex of exercises, invented by Bates, helps to improve eyesight and get rid of unpleasant ailments like myopia and hyperopia. The most popular exercise is palming: the patient closes his eyes with his hands, after which the light does not penetrate to the retina. It helps the eyes to really relax.

Below are a few exercises from the Bates method to improve and restore vision:

  1. You need to imagine a diverse color palette, consisting of all sorts of bright and pastel colors. All of them should be as saturated as possible. Each of the colors should be presented no longer than a second. Do the exercise for five to ten minutes.
  2. For the next exercise to restore the vision using the Bates method, you will need a book or table. If you look briefly at a word or an image, you need to close your eyes and imagine it. If the imaginary object or symbol is darker than the real, then the exercise is learned to "Excellent". To continue the exercise, you need to draw pictures of an even darker color in your imagination.
  3. This is an exercise for the Sivtsev table, which must be placed at a distance of at least three meters in a well-lit area. Choose the smallest letter that you can clearly see, and make a palm, representing it. The color of the imaginary symbol must be darker than the real one. When you open your eyes and again look at the letter, it should become more distinct.
  4. Another exercise for correcting the vision according to the method of Bates with the table: you need to look at the big letter, close your eyes and imagine her enlarged and darkened copy. Opening your eyes, you will see that the small letters have become clearer.
  5. Eye gymnastics: you need to move your eyes left-right-up-down, draw shapes, often blink - this will help relax the eye muscles.

All exercises are combined with palmings. A truly effective technique will be only if the patient leads a healthy lifestyle and performs all the instructions of Bates.