Symbol of love

Love is a mysterious unusual feeling and no matter how people try to unravel its nature in vain. Love is represented by different symbols. The symbol of love is its embodiment in the material world. Every nation and even every couple in love has these symbols. But still there are symbols that can be called common symbols of love. They are clear to everyone, no matter what language you speak and in which part of the world you live.

Popular symbols of family, love and loyalty:

Vegetative symbols of love - flower and tree

Flowers from antiquity symbolize the respect and disposition of people to each other. The symbolism of flowers could not be ignored by such feelings as love and romance. For many people, different kinds of flowers symbolize the same amazing feeling - love: for the Chinese this is a peony, for the Hindus - white jasmin during its full flowering, for the Iranians - olives and apples. The red rose, as a symbol of love, came to us from the Ancient World and still remains popular in many countries.

A tree as a symbol of love is the embodiment of strong family relationships, eternal love. It is no accident that there are such customs as, for example, tying a wedding ribbon to a young tree. Or planting a seedling of any tree. According to the belief, as a tree grows and grows stronger, so does family life. Formative family traditions are formed, which will be passed on from generation to generation. Especially popular among newlyweds are the following types of trees:

Symbol of love - swans

A pair of swans are used as a love symbol due to their peculiarities of creating pairs. It is known that swans choose their spouses once in a lifetime. And in the case of the death of one second, either he lives alone for the rest of his days, or soon also dies of longing. Among other things, these are beautiful and graceful birds.

Pigeons as a symbol of love

Pigeons are considered a symbol of love and passion because of their faithfulness. Young couples are often called doves. Their gentle cooing with eye to eye is associated with mutual understanding and mutual support in a young family. In addition, pigeons are recognized throughout the world as a symbol of peace. It is also believed that pigeons are the embodiment of carnal love and lovers' relationships.

Ancient symbols of love

Since ancient times, the heart is a symbol of all emotions. In the human body, the heart is of paramount importance. As long as the heart beats, the person is alive, which means that his love is also alive. The cardiovascular system is a vicious circle, a kind of symbol of infinity. Perhaps, therefore, in all the languages ​​of the world, the heart is a symbol of eternal love. In many other signs of love, including imagination and imagination, one can see the image of the heart. It's cooing pigeons, and a couple of swans, and rose petals.

Engagement ring as a symbol of infinite love

One of the most important and true values ​​of an engagement ring is the geometric shape of the circle, which means infinity. The ring is a kind of seal, confirming the seriousness of the intentions of both newlyweds. By exchanging rings, the spouses confirm their oaths of loyalty to each other. The ring is an eternal reminder of the ardor of youthful love.

In our time, a lot of attention is paid to the symbols of love and happiness. Sometimes the symbol through which we interpret our feelings goes to a more important place than love itself.

Symbols and signs of love are perceived by us unconsciously. We rarely think about their origin, but simply take them for granted. And imagine how romantic will be a declaration of love, made up of symbols. How much romance and depth of feelings it can convey without using words.