How to play dominoes - rules of the game

Board games provide an opportunity to spend an interesting time. Such leisure can be organized both in the circle of friends and family. Domino is a logical game that appeared many centuries ago. There are several legends explaining its origin. It is interesting to learn how to play adult and child dominoes, and to clarify the rules of this game. It is necessary to understand this question and find out the basic nuances that will help to master the technique.

Basic rules of the game

A traditional gaming set includes 28 special rectangular tiles, which are commonly called knuckles. You can also use terms such as "bones" or "stones." The face of the tile is divided into 2 equal parts, each of which is drawn 0-6 points. The stones are made of different materials, for example, it can be wood, plastic or ivory.

It will take 2-4 players to play. If two players play, everyone should get 7 bones. When 3 or 4 people participate, they give out 5 knuckles. The remaining stones should be put aside, and necessarily points down. This will be the so-called closed reserve, which is also called the "bazaar."

During the game, you need to build a chain of tiles so that they touch each other parts with the same number of points. Start should one who has a double 6-6, if there is not, then 5-5. It may be that the participants do not have stones with doubles, then the one with the bone with the greatest value begins.

Whom the question interests, how to learn to play dominoes, it is necessary to know such moments:

The situation when players have knuckles, but it is impossible to make a move, is called a "fish". The one who was the last to be called a "fisherman" and all the glasses are recorded to him. He should start the next round.

How to play baby dominoes with pictures?

Now there are game options for children. In this case, knuckles are usually called chips. They differ in bright colors, which is especially popular with kids. On the tiles can be depicted fruits, animals, transport, letters, numbers. This domino is not just entertainment. It perfectly develops memory, logic, promotes learning, helps to expand vocabulary.

The rules are similar to the adult game. Children also receive a certain amount of chips and walk in turn. Toddlers should attach the tiles to each other with the same images. Guys should carefully study their chips and find a suitable picture among them. The reserve, in which excess tiles are placed, is usually not called a bazaar, but a bank. The first move should be made by the one who has a twin picture.

You can play with kids from 3 years old, but you need to pick up a set with simple images. Already the carapaces from 1 year is worth showing tiles, letting them touch them. There are sets of wood in which the chips are made in the form of small bars. Of these, kids are interested in building fences, figures. Such an occupation promotes the development of motor skills.

If children like to play, then it is worth buying a few favorite sets with images on different topics. And you can find the right pictures and print it yourself on a cardboard dominoes. Such chips will not last long, but you can make sets for every taste.