How to lose weight in 10 years?

About losing weight these days are repeated at every step. Special diets and exercises - basically all methods of fighting overweight are targeted at adults. But how to be a child, for whom the mockery of peers has become commonplace, and the state of health is rapidly deteriorating.

In this article, we will touch on the topic of childhood obesity, or rather, let's talk about how to help a child lose weight in 10 years.

How to lose weight to a child, boy or girl in 10 years without diets?

Of course, parents are not pleased to realize, but often they are the culprits of the fact that their child is wearing an inappropriate clothing size. Frequent snacks in front of the TV, a sedentary lifestyle - a small body does not need much. Therefore, wondering how to lose weight to a child a boy or a girl in 10 years without diets, moms and dads should understand that first of all they will have to drop "urgent business" and come to grips with the regime of their offspring. The first thing to do is to introduce clear rules:

  1. Early recovery, gymnastics, a full breakfast - this should begin the day of the child with overweight in 10 years.
  2. Further classes in the school, after which the parents will have to make sure that the child dines on time, and organize a useful leisure. Of course, it will not be possible to completely eliminate computer games and watch TV programs in the rhythm of modern times, but at least to reduce the time spent at the screen to a minimum - this task is quite solvable.
  3. A child with excess weight must necessarily be written to the sports section, it can be dancing, swimming, tennis, acrobatics, wrestling - depending on the state of health, personal preferences and the sex of the child. Useful to the kids is walking on the open air and active games.
  4. And of course, food. You can not limit the growing body in food. With food the child should receive all vital components: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Therefore fried, smoked, rich in preservatives and flavoring food additives, it is necessary to replace with healthy natural products. First of all, these are vegetables and fruits, products containing calcium, cereals, meat and fish of low-fat varieties, eggs - should be present in the diet of a 10-year-old child.

If the measures taken do not give the desired result or the degree of obesity is extremely high, then it is worthwhile immediately to see a doctor. Perhaps, the reason for this condition lies in a more serious disease, which requires adequate treatment.