How often to water the tomato seedlings?

Watering for a tomato is necessary, as nutrients to the plant can only get together with water. Therefore it is very important to understand how to properly water tomatoes?

In order for this vegetable to develop normally, it is necessary to maintain soil moisture within 85-90%. To check the humidity, you can take a handful of earth from a depth of about 10 cm and squeeze it into a ball. If the lump turned out, and when pressed easily fell apart, then this is the necessary soil moisture for growing a tomato.

Before the appearance of the first real leaf, the moisture reserve in the soil must be constant. Therefore, it is best to put boxes of seedlings with tomatoes in pallets and there already add water as needed. Watering the seedlings is best in the mornings with warm water. Very useful watering with snow or rain water. As an option - you can water with water after thawing ice from the refrigerator. Sprinkle the tomato seedlings with so-called "living" water, which is prepared in a special way. Pour water into the pan after melting the ice, heat until hot (before the appearance of steam), cover with a lid and quickly cool under a stream of cold water to a temperature of about 25 ° C. Now you can water your seedlings.

How to water tomatoes after picking?

After the first real leaf appeared on the tomato shoots, it is dived, that is, it is transplanted into a larger bowl. When picking, you must try to transplant the plant with a clod of earth and not damage the small roots of the seedling. Transplanted seedlings are poured into a pallet and placed on a shaded place from direct sunlight.

Watering tomatoes should be rare, but abundant. Otherwise, when watering often, but lean, develop tomatoes will be bad. Excessive watering can lower the temperature of the soil, which will adversely affect fruit ovaries. Therefore, the best option for watering a tomato: abundant enough once or twice a week, not allowing the flood. And irrigation depends on the phase of development of plants. As a rule, the tomato seedlings should be watered often after planting. At a time when the fruit is tied, the soil must also be sufficiently moist. But in the period from flowering and to tying a tomato, and also during their ripening, the moisture of the earth can be moderate.

Important and the way to water this vegetable. Avoid getting water on stems, leaves or fruits. It is necessary to pour water under the root of the plant or into the furrows made between the rows of tomatoes. Such watering will moisten the soil without increasing the humidity of the air. With rain watering, drops of water left on the leaves can cause burns to the leaves and even contribute to the formation of late blight. But watering under the root should be very careful, so that the water jet does not blur the earth and does not expose the roots of the tomato.

In summer, in hot weather, the best time for watering is in the early morning or about two hours before sunset. At this time, the water does not evaporate immediately under the scorching rays of the sun, but gradually absorbed into the soil. In cloudy weather, you can water at any time of the day. And after watering it is desirable to wallow the ground under the bushes of a tomato . To do this, you can use a special film, straw or compost. To loosen the soil after watering is not necessary.

Now you know how to water the tomato seedlings, and now we will find out why the seedlings are sprinkled with copper sulfate. Before planting seedlings in the open ground in order to prevent infection with fungal diseases, sprinkle the tomato seedlings with a solution of copper sulfate. To cook it, you need to dissolve 5 grams of copper sulfate in 3 liters of hot water and use this solution for spraying.

Correctly watering the tomato seedlings , you will get an excellent harvest of these useful and tasty vegetables.