How to putty the ceiling?

The process of puttying the ceiling is an important occupation. We want to make its surface as flat as possible to hide all the irregularities and defects. How to putty the ceiling with your own hands to prevent mistakes at this stage and correctly perform all the work? Even without some experience, you can cope with this task. You just need to do everything neatly and qualitatively, following certain rules.

What material should I buy for puttying?

  1. What is better to putty the ceiling? Now a huge selection of putty, but you need to consider that you will use it indoors. Try not to include harmful substances in the mixture. To seal the seams, it is necessary to take the putty more durable to ensure a high-quality surface. There are ready-made mixtures, for the preparation of which no special tool is needed, and it is absolutely unnecessary to waste time preparing them. But these materials are somewhat more expensive than powders. Starting and finishing putty differ in composition. The first is coarsely dispersed, and the second is finely dispersed. It consists of smaller particles, which ensures the obtaining of the most smooth surface.
  2. Primer, which is necessary for pre-treatment of the ceiling surface. It penetrates into it and instantly dries, which provides a reliable additional fastening. It also prevents the appearance of fungus, mold and rot.
  3. Building tape mesh-serpian. It is glued to fix the seams and prevents the formation of cracks in this place. The tape can be in the form of a self-adhesive film or simple. The first type is excellent for finishing plasterboard surfaces.
  4. Bath or other container for putty.
  5. Roller with handle
  6. You need to buy several different spatulas: wide - at least 40 cm wide, narrow - 8-10 cm wide, and a small spatula - 3-4 cm wide, which can be used in inconvenient and hard-to-reach places.
  7. Comfortable and light stepladder.
  8. Drill or perforator with a nozzle for kneading putty.
  9. A bucket or other container in which you will prepare a working mixture.

How to putty the concrete ceiling?

Even with all the diligence of the builders, the surface of the concrete slab does not turn out to be perfectly even. All unevenness needs to be aligned to the maximum with a perforator, which is equipped with a shovel. If the ceiling has joints between the plates, then they must first be cleaned. Then seal the groove with mortar, insert reinforcing mesh into the groove, and fix it there in several places. If the irregularities or grooves are very large, then the putty should be applied in several ways, giving the previous layer dry. Otherwise, rushing can lead to the formation of cracks. After stripping, the ceiling is primed with a brush or roller. When the surface dries slightly, proceed to the filler with a starting compound. The large fraction allows to apply a layer of thickness up to one centimeter. Finishing is best done the next day.

How many times is it necessary to putty the ceiling? Almost always it is necessary to impose not less than three layers of a solution. The second finishing layer, we finally level the surface, hiding all the flaws and adding a little thickness to 0.2-0.3 mm,. But one thing can turn out small flaws, which can be easily eliminated by producing in 3-4 hours the final light "local" filler. So you can hide small strips after the spatula, dimples or omissions, which inevitably form in the process of working on the leveling of the ceiling .

How to putty the ceiling from plasterboard?

The surface of the plasterboard is almost perfectly flat, but still you have to seal the holes from the screws and joints between the sheets. To do this, we use a building mesh or tape. It will strengthen the seam and will not let the filler crack. First, the grid is glued to the plasterboard, and then it is applied to the mortar with a spatula. Priming the surface is also mandatory. Further we make the same works, as in the first variant.

How to putty the ceiling under painting?

In order for the surface to look almost perfect, it is necessary to grind after applying the finishing layer. This can be done with a sanding machine or fine sandpaper. Everything must be done as carefully and carefully as possible. This procedure is not very clean, but it will allow you to make subsequent painting perfectly and avoid divorce.

Now you know which putty putty the ceiling, and how this very complicated procedure does. Although this work is not very clean and somewhat tedious, but a beginner can quite cope with it, creating with his own hands a smooth and beautiful ceiling, which can then be painted or pasted with stylish wallpaper.