Kitchen Wallpapers - Design

Many people still remember the times when massively the walls in the kitchens were decorated with oil paint. If earlier this method of decoration was considered practical and universal, today it is already outdated. The material from which the new wallpaper is made serves for a long time, does not lose its color and is well resistant to moisture. Therefore, they can be safely applied in the interior of the kitchen.

How to choose wallpaper in the kitchen?

  1. In this room, you need to use a moisture-resistant washable wallpaper, because there is always steam, moisture and there is the possibility to accidentally put greasy spots. On poor-quality products, the formation of blisters, the appearance of mold or fungus. A cheaper option is to use paper wallpaper with a special waterproof coating. But they are faster than vinyl burned in the sun and have a short lifespan.
  2. The kitchen is usually one of the most illuminated rooms and unstable to sunlight materials can quickly change its color.
  3. Try to buy here thick wallpaper that can be easily wiped off, and they can not quickly be scratched by a fork, knife or other kitchen accessories.

How to choose the color of wallpaper in the kitchen?

Try to choose the color to take into account the height of the room, its area and the overall style of the interior. If you want to make a room light and warm, then you should choose here beige, orange or yellow. But when the room is already flooded with sunlight, it's better not to take wallpaper too brightly colored. Dark tones can visually reduce your room, and lighter tones expand the space, which should be taken into account when choosing wallpaper for a small kitchen. The red color of many people can be annoying, and green - it helps digestion and a little calms the nervous system.

How to choose wallpaper in the kitchen?

  1. Vinyl washable wallpaper for the kitchen. New technologies made it possible to use antimicrobial preparations in their manufacture, and the surface layer is quite resistant to moisture and mechanical damage. These are lightweight and sturdy products, are well resistant to tears and contribute to improved sound insulation. Hot stamping can simulate a different material-stone, leather or plaster. They are on paper or non-woven. Flizeline wallpaper for the kitchen is more practical. They are much easier to glue, they are smoothed out, they do not crumple and are more durable. Vinyl is flat, foamed or dense. Foamed wallpaper can not boast great resistance to various mechanical damages, but flat vinyl can be safely washed or cleaned.
  2. Very popular were silk screen printing (satin) for the kitchen. It's the same vinyl on a paper base that looks very smooth and looks like silk threads. Such wallpaper can be washed or cleaned, which makes them suitable for use in the kitchen.
  3. Liquid wallpaper for the kitchen . Use this material in this room for wall finishing if you cover it with varnish. This will make it water resistant. The walls can not absorb smells, they can easily be washed, and repair damaged areas. It is also quite easy to create a different surface structure - smooth or bulky. It is necessary only when applying the material to use different rollers.
  4. Bamboo wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen . Those who care about their health, try to choose natural materials for finishing, but such finishing materials are usually not cheap. The standard color for them is yellow, brown, white or green. If you are afraid to contaminate the surface with a grease, you can put a tile in the area of ​​the working area, and decorate only the part of the wall with the wallpaper. Well, if you know how to combine the wallpaper in the kitchen. Not bad are the accents with the interspersing of such expensive textures, which will play a major role in the interior of the kitchen. You can glue them on any surface, whether it's brick or concrete. They are cut easily with any jig saw. It is also quite easy to take care of bamboo wallpaper . They can be wiped with a damp sponge or cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

New wallpaper, made using modern advanced technologies, allows you to make this room beautiful and cozy, picking up their coloring to your liking. The lineup is constantly expanding, and the number of colors and textures makes it possible to realize the most incredible design solutions.