How to remove the smell from the refrigerator?

Unpleasant smell from the refrigerator can permanently spoil the mood of any mistress. Nevertheless, this problem of modern society is very solvable - the main thing, before you get rid of the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator, determine the reasons for its occurrence.

Why does the fridge cause an unpleasant smell?

The refrigerator is designed to store food and naturally there is nothing surprising in that the products in it can deteriorate. And in the already spoiled products multiply a huge number of bacteria that can cause an unpleasant smell.

Sometimes it happens that the refrigerator starts to self-defrost (cut off electricity, malfunctioning) along with the products in the freezer, and fill the smell with the entire refrigerator. In this case, removing this odor from the refrigerator becomes a problem.

How to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator?

So, if you feel discomfort when you open the door to the refrigerator, then you need to take action. To remove the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator can be with the help of improvised means. First, take away all the products from the refrigerator, take out the shelves and drawers. Rinse them thoroughly with an aqueous solution of soda or vinegar with ammonia. You can also take an ordinary cleaning product and use it from a persistent smell in the refrigerator, the main thing is not to hurt this chemistry of health. After all, wipe dry all the removable parts and dry the refrigerator with an open door to avoid mold.

How to prevent the appearance of odor in the refrigerator?

Although the removal of the smell in the refrigerator is a problem that can be easily solved and does not require huge expenditures, every housewife for sure dreams to rid herself of these troubles. To do this, you can buy in the store adsorbent, a special anti-odor agent in the refrigerator, it will absorb all unpleasant odors. As an alternative to the purchased adsorbent, you can use the old proven tips of our ancestors:

How to remove the smell from the refrigerator, if the above methods did not help?

All sorts of methods have already been tried, but to remove the unpleasant smell from the refrigerator all the same, does not work out in any way? First, do not worry, there is always a way out. Secondly, you need to look more closely at the causes of bad odor. In addition to the above reasons - it may still be a problem with the drain, so be sure to check if it is not blocked. The defrosting system may also become clogged. In general, it is recommended to pay attention to these problem areas twice a year, namely to wash out the coolant outflow with warm water. Detailed instructions on how to do this you can find in the documents accompanying the refrigerator when buying.

How to remove the smell from the new refrigerator?

If you purchased a new refrigerator, it will emit a smell of plastic parts and rubber that can go to products. Therefore, before putting the products, in order to somehow destroy the smell in the refrigerator, rinse all surfaces with one of the above solution, then with ordinary water, wipe off all the details and leave the open door for two hours to ventilate.