Ants in the apartment

If you find ants in your house, they need to be taken out immediately, until a whole colony appears in the apartment instead of one small nest. It is important to find out where the ants came from, and to exclude the possibility of their further appearance.

Basically, small ants penetrate the apartment through joints in the floor, gaps around plumbing communications, ventilation holes, they easily move from one living quarters to another. In order to avoid getting the ants into the apartment, in the places where they are found, you should immediately clean up, and fill the gap with silicone or putty.

Means of getting rid of ants

Help to get rid of the ants in the apartment can forever both chemical and home-made tools. You can buy baits for ants in a hardware store, they use poisons, but it's best to first try to get the ants out with more harmless means. Use them better in the immediate vicinity of the ant nest, where is their female, producing a new offspring.

We offer you some ways how to deal with the ants in the apartment.

The poison for the ants is boric acid , entering into it with paws, and then, licking them, the ants swallow the poison and die. It is enough to scatter boric acid in several places, around a saucer with syrup.

Also deadly for the ants are starch and coffee grounds, hitting the ant in the stomach, they greatly expand it, which leads to the death of the insect.

You can try to scare off ants with the help of some odors that insects do not tolerate, for example, mint, cloves, camphor, laurel leaves, placing it all near the places through which the ants get into the apartment, you can get rid of them.

If you can not get rid of the ants yourself - it's worth to turn to specialists.