Krivosheya in a child 3 months old - symptoms

Krivosheya is a disease that is very widespread in newborn babies. It may be acquired, but in most cases it affects crumbs from the moment of birth. The cause of pathology, as a rule, lies in various diseases of the nervous and muscular systems.

The hawks of torticollis are almost always a congenital pathology, it can not be noticed until the baby is ten days old. That is why neonatologists most often prescribe a child from a maternity hospital with a mark "healthy". In addition, in some cases, the district pediatrician can skip this disease in the baby, since in children under 3 months of age it can be very difficult to detect.

Meanwhile, to treat torticollis in newborn children is necessary, and the success of treatment directly depends on the time of its detection. Young parents should know what symptoms are characterized by torticollis in a child at 3 months, in order to timely pay attention to them, and when the diagnosis is confirmed, immediately begin treatment.

Signs of torticollis in the child

Krivosheya in young children is manifested by the following symptoms:

What to do if a child has a torticollis in 3 months?

Treatment of torticollis, found at 3 months, must begin immediately. As a rule, it includes:

If the treatment of torticollis is started early enough, there is practically no need to resort to surgical intervention.

How to do massage and exercises with curvature at 3 months?

Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to deal with the baby at home, but you need to be constantly monitored by a pediatrician and a neurologist. Every day, before going to bed, do your crumb the next set of massage movements and gymnastic elements, and very soon he will necessarily recover:

  1. Put the baby on your back right in front of you. Make a light "mom" massage of all parts of the body. Gently remember the muscles from the affected side of the neck. Rub the cheek from the opposite side.
  2. Turn the child several times from side to side.
  3. Gently stroke your stomach. Carefully remember the stops and repeat neck massage.
  4. Turn your child over on your stomach and stroke your neck from behind and back.
  5. Repeatedly turn the child several times from side to side.
  6. Finish the massage with light strokes of the limbs.