Flower spurge

Euphorbia or spurge is a wild flower, cultivated by man. He is one of the largest family of euphorbia. Distributed by their numerous representatives (more than 7,000 species) around the world. Some of them resemble cacti, others look like palms, and others - on dry bushes. A feature combining such a large number of plants, not at all similar to each other, is the presence in its stems and roots of toxic milky juice.

Types of milkweed

At home, not all types of milkweed can be grown. In the premises most often are the following:

This plant can also be grown in the garden. To this end, you can take the spur of the Altai, multi-flowered, cypress or fringed. These garden perennials are perfect for decorating any flower bed or flower garden.

Juice care as an indoor plant

Since this flower is succulent and not succulent, the growing conditions for them are different. But in general, we can distinguish the following:

But, when intending to work with this plant, it should be remembered that it is poisonous, so all manipulations with it should be done with gloves.