Separate nutrition - what does this mean, principles and rules, how to go?

Effective for losing weight and improving the body is a separate food, which is based on the use of allowed combinations of products. To achieve the desired effect, you must follow the existing rules and know about important limitations.

What does "separate food" mean?

According to the presented technique, all products are divided into groups that are combined or not combined with each other. If incompatible products enter the digestive tract, then the digestion process takes a long time, and it becomes more complicated. As a result, discomfort occurs, due to fermentation and rotting of products. The correct separate diet was invented by the American dietician Shelton.

Separate power rules

The developer of the presented method of weight loss described in detail the rules that are important to take into account in order to achieve the result:

  1. Protein and carbohydrate products are processed by different enzymes, so they should not be in the same dish.
  2. The basic principles of separate nutrition indicate the need for eating fruits and vegetables.
  3. It is not recommended to combine carbohydrate foods with acidic ones.
  4. Carbohydrates and sugars are not suitable for one meal. It is recommended to completely exclude from the diet sugar, jam and desserts, as these products provoke fermentation and putrefaction in the digestive tract.
  5. On a separate diet, you can not combine two proteins together, and also fats and proteins.
  6. You can safely eat greens, dried fruits, sour cream, cream, mushrooms, garlic, onions and carrots, as these products have a neutral reaction. They can be combined with different foods.
  7. There is a watermelon and melon you need separately for 45-50 minutes. before the main meals.

Separate food - benefit and harm

Let's start with the advantages of the presented methodology, which include the exclusion of the processes of fermentation and putrefaction. Products will be processed quickly and without any negative consequences for the body. Separate nutrition, the benefits of which are confirmed by many scientists, favorably affects the general condition of the body. A significant advantage - the weight goes away gradually, and the result remains for a long time.

Has a separate food pluses and minuses, therefore it is important to know and about lacks to understand, whether it is necessary to use this technique or not. Doctors say that if after such a diet to return to a mixed menu, it can cause problems in the work of the digestive tract and cause a number of problems. Many products contain almost equal amounts of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, so there are questions about where to put them, hence the conclusion that separate food is more theoretical.

How do I switch to separate power?

Before you start eating according to the presented method it is recommended to consult a doctor. Fundamentals of separate nutrition should not be used immediately, so you should start with one day of unloading per week, so that the body is used to. Focus on the rules of separate meals. As a result, there is an adaptation to the new food system without side effects for the physiological and psychological state.

How to lose weight on separate meals?

To properly make a diet and throw off weight, you need to know about the existing rules of fractional nutrition:

  1. It is forbidden to drink water during meals, as this will worsen the digestion process. The correct decision - to drink for 10-15 minutes. before meals and after 30 minutes. after the fruit, 2 hours after the starchy food and 4 hours after the protein products.
  2. The principles of separate nutrition for weight loss indicate the need to properly chew everything, which is important for good digestion.
  3. You can lean meat and fish. Cooking these foods should be steamed, stewed, baked and boiled. Do not cook a lot of food so that it will not be heated afterwards, as this reduces its benefits.
  4. Observe fractional food, given that between the intake of proteins and carbohydrates should pass a minimum of 2 hours.
  5. Separate food implies the rejection of salt, pepper and other spices. They inhibit the process of digestion.
  6. Do not force yourself to eat, the body itself shows that he is not ready to work.

90 Day Diet of Separate Food

Two Slovenian teachers B. Hrobat and M. Polyanshek invented the author's method of losing weight. They presented a book that describes all the rules and a detailed menu. Observing the technique of "90 days of separate nutrition", you can throw up to 25 kg of excess weight. After the expiration of the indicated period it is important to consistently adhere to the principles of diet. The authors propose the division of products not during the day, but allocate them for a whole day.

The diet is divided into three stages and each of them is based on a sequence of four days, based on the use of proteins, starchy foods, carbohydrates and vitamin products. Separate food indicates that this does not mean that one day you can not eat food from another group, they should simply be limited. It is important not only to follow a diet, but also to receive physical activity, since such a tandem will give excellent results.

Separate diet for weight loss - menu

It is better to make your diet yourself, taking into account the basic rules and focusing on examples. Thanks to this, you can take into account your own eating habits. If you keep separate diet for weight loss, the menu for a week can be like that. Breakfast:



Separate nutrition during pregnancy

Many doctors recommend that women in the situation prefer a separate diet. Thanks to this, it is possible to ensure normal functioning of the digestive tract, to avoid feeling of heaviness in the stomach , nausea, gas formation and constipation. The basic principles of separate nutrition are the guarantee of the health of not only women, but also children. A woman in a position should eat fractional, using small portions. It is not recommended to eat separately for three hours before sleep, and to satisfy the hunger, a glass of kefir is allowed.